Epispadias is associated with?
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Ans is b i.e. chordee An epispadias is a rare type of congenital malformation in which the urethra opens on the dorsum (the upper aspect) of the penis. It is often pa of the condition termed Epispadias-exstrophy of the bladder. Epispadias is a mild form of bladder exstrophy, and in severe cases, exstrophy and epispadias coexist. The extent of the defect can vary from a mild glandular defect to complete defects as are observed in bladder exstrophy, diastasis of the pubic bones, or both. - In glandular epispadias, the urethra opens on the dorsal aspect of the glans, which is broad and flattened. - In the penile type, the urethral meatus, which is broad and gaping, is located between the pubic symphysis and the coronal sulcus. A distal groove usually extends from the meatus through the splayed glans. - The penopubic type has the urethral opening at the penopubic junction, and the entire penis has a distal dorsal groove extending through the glans. All types of epispadias are associated with varying degrees of dorsal chordee. Females with epispadias have a bifid clitoris and separation of the labia. Male to female ratio of epispadias is 3: 1. Incontinence due to maldevelopment of urinary sphincters is commonly associated with most epispadias except for the glandular type. Other associated anomaly is pubic diastasis as in exstrophy. Surgery is required to correct the incontinence, remove the chordee to straighten the penis, and extend the urethra out onto the glans penis. Note that pubic diastasis (i.e. separation of pubic bones) is not synonymous with bifid pubic symphysis.
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