Which of the following is mature defence mechanism?
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Ans. b (Humor.) (Ref. Kaplan & Sadock's Synopsis of Psychiatry, 10th ed., p. 203. Table 6.1-3)COMMON FREUDIAN DEFENSE MECHANISMSDefence mechanismShort DefinitionImportant AssociationsProjectionAttibuting inner feelings to othersParanoid behaviorsDenialSaying it is not soSubstance abuse, reaction to deathSplittingThe world composed of polar oppositesBorderline personality, good versus evilBlockingTransient inability to rememberMomentary lapseRegressionReturning to an earlier stage of developmentEnuresis, primitive behaviorsSomatizationPhysical symptoms for psychological reasonsSomatoform disordersIntrojectionThe outside becomes insideSupergo, being like parentsDisplacementSource stays the same, but target changesRedirected emotion, phobias, scapegoatRepressionForgetting, so it is nonretrievableForget and forgetisolation of affectFacies without feelingBlunted affect, la belle indifferenceIntellectualizationAffect repalced by academic contentAcademic, not emotional reactionActing outAffect covered up by excessive action or sensationSubstance abuse, fighting, gamblingRationalizationWhy the unacceptable is okay in this instanceJustification, string of reasonsReaction formationThe unacceptable transformed into its oppositeManifesting the opposite; fee love but show hate: "Girls have cooties."UndoingAction to symbolically reverse the accaptableFixing or repairing, obsessive-compulsive behaviorsPassive-aggressivePassive nonperformance after promiseUnconscious, indirect hostilityDissociationSeperating self from one's own experienceFugue, depersonalization, amnesia, multiple personalityHumorA pleasant release from anxietyLaughter hides the painSublimationMoving an unacceptable impulse into an acceptable channelArt, literature, mentoringSuppressionForgetting, but is retrievableForget and rememberPsychodynamic PsychotherapyDEFENSE MECHANISMS# The way & means that the Ego wards off anxiety & controls instinctive, urges & unpleasant affects (Emotions)# All Defense Mechanisms are Unconscious (except Suppression), Discrete, Dynamic & Irreversible, Adaptive & Maladaptive# Highly adaptive (mature)- Altruism, Humor, Sublimation & Suppression# Less adaptive- Displacement, Intellectualization, Isolation of Affect, Rationalization, Reaction Formation & Repression# Primitive (immature)- Acting out, Denial (deletion from consciousness), Projection & Splitting# Transference & Countertransference- Brings unconscious topics into consciousness# Transference# Feelings of patient toward therapist# Occurs in all patient/physician relationships- Countertransference# Feelings of therapist toward patient# Occurs in all patient/physician relationships# Interpretation- Therapist identifies feelings, drives, and defenses in action
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