Which of the following heavy metal poisoning may cause colitis that resembles diphtheritic colitis?
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Chronic poisoning * Also called as hydrargyrism, mercurialism * Excessive salivation (Ptyalism, Sialorrhea) * Metallic taste * Anorexia * Insomnia * Headache * Gingivitis * Halitosis * Blue line on gums * Lassitude * Visual blurring * Concentric constriction of visual field (tunnel vision) * Mercuria lentis - opacities of the anterior capsule of the lens of eye due to deposition of mercury * Ataxia - reeling gait * Tremors - classical manifestation of chronic mercury poisoning and is referred as "Danbury tremor". The tremors are coarse, intentional type, interspersed with jerky movements, initially involving hands. Later it involves lip, tongue, arms and legs. The advanced condition of tremors is called as "Hatter's shakes" (because the condition was first described among felt hat workers). In Hatter's shakes, the tremor becomes so severe that daily activities of person are grossly impaired such as shaving, writing, holding cup etc. As the disease progresses, the most severe form of tremor are called as "Concussio mercurialis" which means no activity is possible * Mercurial erethism - a classical manifestation of chronic mercury poisoning characterized by cluster of psychiatric symptoms including disturbance inpersonality, abnormal shyness, timidity, loss of self confidence, insomnia, excitability, progressing later into delirium with hallucinations (Mad as hatter). * Colitis * Melanosis coli * Mercury dermatitis - from mercuric sulphide (cinnabar) as red areas of tattoo has been repoed. * Dementia * Renal failure * Acrodynia (Pink disease):-Seen mostly in children and caused by chronic mercury exposure. It causes anorexia, insomnia, profuse sweating, skin rash, redness, vesication and desquamation (peeling) of palm, finger, sole and photophobia.The hands and feet becomes - puffy, pinkish, painful, paraesthetic, perspiring and peeling (remember 6 P's) * Shedding of teeth and ulceration of gums. REF;THE SYNOPSIS OF FORENSIC MEDICINE:KS NARAYANA REDDY;28th EDITION;PAGE NO 307
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