Which of the following fungi has not been cultured –
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(B) (Rhinosporidium) (558- C.P. Baveja 4th)* Rhinosoridium seeberi fungus has not been cultured.* Diagnosis depends on the demonstration of sporangia.* Many fungi develop relatively slowly and cultures should be retained for at least 2-3 weeks (in some cases up to 6 weeks before discarded. Yeasts usually grown within 1-5 days.* Rhinosporidiosis is a chronic granulomatous disease characterised by formation of friable polyps, usually confined to the nose, mouth or eye.* Histoplasmosis is primarily a disease of reticuloendothelial system. It is caused by Histoplasma - capsulatum mycelial growth containing thick, walled spherical spores with tubercles or finger like projections is a characteristic feature.* Cryptococcosis is caused by crypto neoformans a capsulated yeast. The fungus is a soil saprophyte and is particularly abundant in the faeces of pigeons. Cryptococcal meningitis is a important feature.Usually seen in immunocompromised host. C. neoformans has ability to grow at 37degC**, hydrolyse urea, produce brown colonies on nigar seed agar and produce disease in mice (Animal inoculation test positive)*** Mucor, Rhizopus and Absidia are associated with Zymomycosis.* Absence of rhizoids is a characteristic feature of MUCOR.* Examination of scales in 1% KOH, shows short hyphae and round spores (Sphagetti, and meat ball appearance) and Wood's lamp shows Aple green fluorescence (blue-green fluorescence) in Pityriasis versicolor**** Renauld-Braud phenomenon is seen in Candida albicans.* CandidsL-albicans is the most common cause of mucosal candidiasis.High Yeild Points1."Pseudo-buboes'VPseudolymphadenopathy is caused by Donovanosis (Calymmatobacterium- grcmulomatis)2.Darling's disease or Cave's disease or Caver's disease is caused by dimorphic fungus. Histoplasma capsulatum3.Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is caused by corona virus type - 44.i.Tumbling motility - Listeria ii.Darting motility - V. cholera iii.Stately motility - Clostridium iv.Lashing motility - Borrelia V.Cork-screw motility - T. pallidium vi.Gliding motility - Mycoplasma vii.Swarming motility - Proteus mirabilis. P. vulgaris, B. cereus, Cl. tetani5.*Warthin - Finkldey bodies - Measles *Herpes, Yellow fever - Granular Cowdry type A *Guamieri bodies - Vaccinia *Adeno, Polio virus - Circumscribed Cowdry Type B *Sclerotic bodies - Chromoblastomycosis6.i.Polar flagella are seen in - Vibria, Pseudomonas, H. pylori, Campylobacter, Spirochetes, Legionella ii.Peritrichous flagella - E. coli, Proteus, L. monocytogenes, All Clostridia except Cl. perfringens and Cl. tetani. Bacillus except B. anthrax. Salmonella except S. gallinarum- pollorum.7.i.Hepatitis A - Enterovirus (Picoma virus) - non - enveloped RNA virus - Enterovirus 72 ii.Hepatitis B - Hepadana virus DNA virus iii.Hepatitis C - Flaviviris, enveloped RNA virus iv.Hepatitis D - Defective RNA virus resembling viroids8.Prozone phenomenon is seen with antibody excess to antigen 9."Fish tank granuloma" or "Swimming pool granuloma" is caused by M. marinum 10.A. Post splenectomy - susceptible to bacterial infectionsi. Strep to pneumoniaeii. H. influenzaeiii. Gram negative enteric organism, N. meningitidesB. Splenectomized patients are more susceptible to parasitic disease - Babesiosis, paludism11.Cryptococcus neoformans is best demonstrated in CSF by direct microscopy. The capsule is seen as a clear halo around the yeast cells in unstained wet preparations of CSF mixed with a drop of India - ink or nigrosine. Methamine silver stain would be the best choice for tissue sample.12.Reactive arthritis in tuberculosis is known as Poncets disease (Tubercular rheumatism)13.i. Largest protozoa is - Balantidium coliii. Fasciolopsis- buski - is the largest trematode parasitizing maniii. Largest Nematode- Ascaris, Smallest nematode - Trichinella14.Water house - friderichsen syndrome or Purpura fulminans caused by N. meningitides causes septic shock, prominence of hemorrhagic skin lesion (petechiae, purpura) and the consistent development of DIC15.Obligate intracellular organisms are - Rickettsiae, Chlamydiae, Viruses, M. leprae, pathogenic treponemes (syphilis)
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