Which of the following dietary interventions has shown to reduces moality in patients with coronary hea disease.-
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Omega 3 polysaturated fatty acids
Answer is D (Omega 3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids) Consumption of Omega 3 PUFA is associated witlt reduced total moality and sudden cardiac death in patients with ischemic hea disease A number of studies have repoed that consumption of Omega 3 fatty acids confers protection from ischaemic hea disease and that this relationship is paiculary strong for coronary hea disease moality and sudden cardiac death High fibre diet: Fibre supplements may reduce levels of total cholesterol and LDL Cholesteral, and may cause a reduction in coronary hea disease. However use of high fibre diet has not shown any benefit in overall moality from CHD and has not yet been recommended for risk reduction in CHD by the American Hea Association (AHA) Sterol Esters: Sterol esters containing food have been documented to decrease Total Cholesterol levels and LDL cholesterol levels. They may be recommended in selected individual with hypercholesterolemia for lowering of total and LDL cholesterol levels and for secondary prevention after an atherosclerotic event. However the use of these agents require fuher monitoring as concerns have been raised regarding their tendency to decrease B coene (vitamin A) and a-tocopherol (vit-E) levels. A clear benefit in reduction of moality has not been documented Omega 3 PUFA: Omega 3 PUFA have been documented to decrease total moality and sudden death in patients with ischaemic hea disease. Benefit are most prominently repoed with Omega 3 PUFA's derived from marine sources, namely Eicosopentanoic acid (EPA) and ducosahexanoic acid (DHA) The supplemental use of Omega 3 Fatty acids (EPA plus DHA) has been recommended by the American Hea Association (Braunwald 8th/1108). Pottassium Supplements: These agents have not been recommended by the American hea association for risk reduction in patients with coronary hea disease. Beneficial cardiovascular effects of selected dietry components Preventive Cardiology by Wong, Black, and Gordon/320 * Omega 3 Fatty, Acids .1.1Triglycerides, .1 Platelet Aggregation * High Fibre Diet .1Total cholesterol, .1 LDL Cholesterol * Sterol esters (Phytosterols) ,' Total cholesterol, LDL Cholesterol * Soy protein .JTriglycerides, .1 LDL Cholesterol * Vitamin E .11,DL oxidative susceptibility * Vitamin C Recycles vitamin E * Folic Acid/Vitamin B6 .11-Iomocystine Levels * Moderate Alcohol Consumption IHDL Cholesterol .1Blood clotting coagulation
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