Which is not included in millennium development goals?
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Number of oral pills intake in a community
Ans. is 'a' i.e., Number of oral pills intake in a community The indicators included in MDG are:? 1) Prevalence of underweight children (under five years of age). 2) Propoion (%) of population below minimum level of dietary energy consumption. 3) Under-five moality rate. 4) Infant moality rate. 5) Propoion (%) of 1 year old children immunized for measles. 6) Maternal moality ratio. 7) Propoion (%) of bihs attended by skilled health persons. 8) HIV preualence among young people. 9) Condom use in high-risk population. 10) Ratio of children orphaned/non-orphaed in schools. 11) Malaria death rate per 100,000 in children (0-4 years of age). 12) Malaria death rate per 100,000 in all age groups. 13) Malaria prevalence rate 100,000 population. 14) Propoion (%) of population under-age 5 in malaria risk areas using insecticide treated bed nets. 15) Propoion (%) of population under-age 5 with fever being treated with anti-malarial drug. 16) Tuberculosis death rate per 100,000. 17) Tuberculosis prevalence rate per 100,000. 18) Propoion (%) of smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis cases detected and put under directly observed treatment sho-course (DOTS). 19) Propoion (%) of smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis case detected cured under directly observed treatment sho-course (DOTS). 20) Propoion (%) of population using biomass fuel 21) Propoion (%) of population with sustainable accese to an improved water source, rural. 22) Propoion (%) of population with sustainable access to an improved water source, urban. 23) Propoion (%) of urban population with access to improved sanitation. 24) Propoion (%) of population with access to affordable essential drugs on a sustainable basis
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