What is the age of routine screening mammography?
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Correct Answer:
40 years
ANSWER: (C) 40 yearsREF: Schwartz 9th ed chapter 17, Sabiston 18th ed chapter 34, NCCN guidelines version 1.2014BREAST CANCER SCREENING NCCN GUIDELINES VERSION 1.2014Risk categoryScreening guidelinesAverage risk; age 25 to 40 yearsClinical breast examination every 1-3 yearsAverage risk; age > 40 yearsClinical breast examination annuallyScreening mammography annuallyHigh risk; Family history of breast cancer (> 20% lifetime risk)Begin at age of 30 yearsAnnual screening mammogram + clinical breast examination 6-12 monthsConsider annual breast MRI starting from 30 yrsRefer to genetic counseling if not already doneHigh risk; LCISBegin screening at diagnosisAnnual screening mammogram + clinical breast examination 6-12 monthsHigh risk; prior radiotherapy between age of 10-30 years; If < 25 yearsClinical breast examination annually to start 8-10 years after RTHigh risk; prior radiotherapy between age of 10-30 years; If > 25 yearsAnnual screening mammogram + Clinical breast examination 6-12 monthly to start 8-10 years after RT or age 40 years, which ever comes firstConsider annual breast MRIHigh risk; genetic predispositionRefer to genetic counseling (if Hereditary breast 8t ovarian cancer syndrome positive then)Clinical breast examination every 6-12 months starting at 25 yrs If age 25-30 yrs; annual breast MRI (preferred) or mammography if MRI is not availableIf age 30-75 yrs; annual mammography and breast MRIHigh risk; previous history of breast cancerClinical physical examination every 4-6 monthsfor first 5 years after primary therapy and annually thereafter + Annual mammographyAdd annual MRI (in bilateral disease 8t BRCA mutation)
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