Vasospasm is the cause of –
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Variant angina
Ans. is 'c' i.e., Variant anginaAngina pectoris o Angina pectoris is a symptom complex of IHD characterized by paroxysmal and usually recurrent attacks of substernal or precordial chest discomfo caused by transient myocardial ischemia.o There are three patterns of anginaClassical stable anginaUnstable anginaPrinzmetal variant anginaClassical (stable) anginaIt is the most common form of angina.o It is caused by the reduction of coronary perfusion to a critical level (> 75%) by chronic stenosing coronary atherosclerosis without plaque rupture.Patient complains chest discomfo, usually described as heaviness, pressure, squeezing, chocking or smothering. o Chest discomfo occurs on exeion and relieved by resto It is not described as frank pain.When patient is asked to localize the sensation, he/she will typically place their hand over the sternum with clenched fist --> Levine's sign.o Chest discomfo typically lasts 2-5 minutes.o Pain can radiate to shoulder, arm, back, interscapular region, neck, jaw, teeth, epigastrium.Stable angina is usually crescenda - decrescendo in nature. It usually recurs in a fairly predictable manner with consistent level of exeion.Unstable anginao Unstable angina is induced by disruption of atherosclerotic plaque with superimposed paial thromosis.o When ischemia is transient it causes angina, when it is prolonged it causes myocardial necrosis and precipitates myocardial infarction.Unstable angina is defined as chest discomfo that has at least one of the three featureIt occurs at rest (or with minimal exeion) and lasting > 10 min.It is severe and of new onset (i.e. within prior 4-6 weeks).It occurs with a crescendo pattern, i.e. distinctally more severe, prolonged frequent than previously. o The chest discomfo of US is described as pain (in contrast to stable angina).Prinzmetal variant anginao This uncommon pattern of episodic angina is precipitated by focal spasm of an epicardial aery.o Focal spasm is most common in right coronary aery.
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