Urogenital diaphragm is made of the following except
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Colies' fascia
Ans. c (Colle's fascia) (Ref BDC vol 2./4,h/332)The pelvic floor is formed by the pelvic and the urogenital diaphragm. The pelvic diaphragm is a muscular partition formed by the levatores ani and coccygei, with which may be included the parietal pelvic fasciat separates the pelvic cavity above from the perineal region below. Urogenital diaphragm (Deep Perineal Space) is formed mainly by three structures: the sphincter urethrae muscles, the deep transverse perineal muscle, and the Perineal mem- brane. Also know that the Superficial Perineal Space is made up of three muscles: ischiocavernosa, bulbospongiosa, and transverse perinei superficialis-also contains proximal erectile tissue.UROGENITAL DIAPHRAGM# The urogenital diaphragm is made of 2 (paired) muscles, the deep and superficial transverse perineal muscles. These two muscles join in front of the rectum, and form the perineal body.# Deep transverse perineal muscle:- Origin: inferior pubic ramus snd the ramus of ischium.- Runs medially and fuse in the midline.- It is interrupted once in male and twice in female, by the urethra and the vagina passing through it.- Around the urethra, the deep transverse perineal muscle forms a separate, ringlike valve, the sphincter urethrae in male, and a similar urethrovaginal sphincter in female.- This muscle does not attach to the symphysis. As a result, we can see a space between it, and the symphysis called as the retropubic space. Through this space exits the dorsal and deep arteries of penis/clitoris.# Superficial transverse perineal muscle:- This muscle is a narrow bundle of skeletal muscle. Extend at the posterior border of the deep transverse perineal muscle, and insert on the perineal body.- The fascia of the urogenital diaphragm, the superficial and deep perineal fascia, lines both muscles.- The superficial perineal fascia is lining the inferior surface of the urogenital diaphragm; meanwhile the deep fascia overlies the superior surface of the same diaphragm.
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