True about dashboard injury:
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Posterior dislocation of hip
Ans. :B > A (Lower pole of patella fracture); B (Posterior dislocation of hip C (Fracture lateral condyle femur); D(Fracture of head of femur) "In motor accident, the occupant of car is thrown forwards & his knee stikes against the dashboard; & the force is transmitted up the shaft, resulting in posterior dislocation of the hip. It is therefore, also known as dashboard injury"- Maheshwari 3rd/111POSTERIOR DISLOCATION AND FRACTURE- DISLOCATION Campbell's Operative Orthopaedics, 11th ed.Patients with a posterior dislocation of the hip generally present with a shortened, internally rotated, adducted limb in slight flexion. This position can be altered if the femoral head is impaled on a fractured posterior acetabular wall.This injury typically occurs from a longitudinally directed force applied through the femur to a flexed hip, often when a patient's knee strikes the dashboard in an automobile head- on collision. If the hip is adducted at the time of injury, a pure dislocation occurs, whereas a neutral position or abduction leads to dislocation associated with a fracture of the femoral head or acetabulum"The fracture of patella may result from dashboard injury- Orthopaedics Illustrated by R.K.Gupta lst/83"Posterior Dislocation of hip: Usually this occurs in a road accident as a result of dash board injury"- Orthopaedics Illustrated by R-K-Gupta 1st/83Dash board injury loadf20Ql-2fQ6-manfredmi-massar.pdfUnicondylar fractures of the femur are charac-terized by avulsion of one femoral condyle whilethe other intact condyle remains in continuity withthe femoral metaphysis . Accounting for only0.65% of all femoral fractures , they havenever been reviewed extensively in the orthopedicliterature, in particular as a class of fracture. Theyhave almost always been included in the genericgroup of distal-third femoral fractures.Unicondylar femoral fractures represent a diagnostic problem, as they are often overlooked owing to their frequent association with other fractures of the same limb or in other regions. Moreover, they show great anatomical variability, resulting in difficult radiologic evaluation and in a controversial therapeutic approach . They occur followingdirect impact, avulsion or action of shear forces onthe knee, generally in sports activities or traffkaccidents, particularly dashboard traumaThe critical point is represented by thetrochlear-condylar groove, located at the junction between the trochlea and the medial and lateralcondyles ; starting from this typical site, the fracture line may be frontal, sagittal or oblique in eachcondvle. The lateral condyle is involved three times as often as the medial onePOSTERIOR DISLOCATION - AXIAL LOAD ON FEMUR THROUGH KNEE (DASHBOARD INJURY) http://www.ncbi. are reports in the medical literature of ipsilateral fractures of the femoral neck and intertrochanteric- pertrochanteric region,In this the patient sustained a dashboard injury which initially caused the reverse oblique trochanteric fracture, and the continued movement of the distal fragment impacted the femoral neck and caused the femora! neck fracture which was minimally displaced.
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