True about anorexia nervosa is all except ?
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Unknown in male
Ans. is 'b' i.e., Unknown in male Anorexia nervosa is less common in male, but can be seen. There is binge eating and self induced vomiting. "Amenorrhea often precedes severe weight loss" - Essentials of psychiatry ANOREXIA NERVOSA The term '`anorexia nervosa" is a misnomer as loss of appetite is a rare symptom. This disorder is characterized by self imposed dietary restrictions leading to malnutrition and severe weight loss. Clinical features Females are far more commonly affected than males. Onset usually occurs between the age of 10-30 years, usually in mid adolescence. A deliberate and persistent restriction of food is usually the earliest presenting symptom. There is intense fear of becoming of obese, even if body becomes very thin and underweight. There is a body-image disturbance. The person is unable to perceive the body size accurately. Some patients cannot continuously control their voluntary restriction of food intake and So have eating binges. These binges usually occur secretly and often at night and are frequently followed by self-induced vomiting. Patients abuse laxatives and even diuretics to lose weight, and ritualistic exercising, extensive cycling, walking, jogging and running are common activities. Patients with anorexia nervosa exhibit peculiar behavior about food. They hide food all over the house, frequently carry large quantities of candies in their pockets and purses. They try to dispose of food in their napkins or hide in their pockets, while eating meals. They cut their meat into very small pieces and spend a great deal of time rearranging the pieces on their plates. There is significant weight loss and patient is underweight. Amenorrhea is seen in almost all women and loss of libido may occur in male patients. There may be poor sexual adjustment. Obsessive compulsive neurosis, depression and anxiety like psychiatric illness may coexist. Complications of malnutrition may occur, e.g., hypoglycemia, hypothermia, low BP, bradycardia, leucopenia, endocrine changes (raised GH and Coisol, reduced gonadotrophin), and appearance of lanugo hair.
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