The treatment of acute myocardial infarction includes which of the following-
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Ref : harrisons-manual-of-medicine-16th-edition pg no: 622-623 TREATMENT Initial Therapy Initial goals are to: (1) quickly identify if patient is candidate for reperfusion therapy, (2) relieve pain, and (3) prevent/treat arrhythmias and mechanical complications. * Aspirin should be administered immediately (162-325 mg chewed at presentation, then 162-325 mg PO qd), unless pt is aspirin-intolerant. * Perform targeted history, exam, and ECG to identify STEMI (1 mmST elevation in two contiguous leads or new LBBB) and appropriateness of reperfusion therapy , which reduces infarct size, LV dysfunction, and moality. * Primary PCI is generally more effective than fibrinolysis and is preferred at experienced centers capable of performing procedure rapidly , especially when diagnosis is in doubt, cardiogenic shock is present, bleeding risk is increased, or if symptoms have been present for 3 h. * Proceed with IV fibrinolysis if PCI is not available or if logistics would delay PCI 1 h longer than fibrinolysis could be initiated (Fig. 123-1). Dooo- needle time should be 30 min for maximum benefit. Ensure absence of contraindications before administering fibrinolytic agent. Those treated within 1-3 h benefit most; can still be useful up to 12 h if chest pain is persistent or ST remains elevated in leads that have not developed new Q waves. Complications include bleeding, reperfusion arrhythmias, and, in case of streptokinase (SK), allergic reactions. Heparin should be initiated with fibrinolytic agents other than SK ; maintain aPTTT at 1.5-2.0 control (50-70 s). * If chest pain or ST elevation persists 90 min after fibrinolysis, consider referral for rescue PCI. Later coronary angiography after fibrinolysis generally reserved for pts with recurrent angina or positive stress test. The initial management of NSTEMI (non-Q MI) is different . In paicular, fibrinolytic therapy should not be administered.
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