The peripheral nervous system develops primarily from:
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Neural crest
The peripheral nervous system is mainly derived from the neural crest. The peripheral nervous system is primarily derived from the neural crest. Through migration and specialisation, cells of the neural crest develop into cranial, spinal, and visceral nerves and ganglia, suppo cells of the peripheral nervous system also derive from the neural crest. Neural Crest Origin: System Cell type Peripheral Nervous system (PNS) Neurons, sensory ganglia, sympathetic and parasympathetic ganglia, enteric nervous system and plexuses Sensory ganglia of CN V, CN VII, CN IX, CN X Ciliary (CN III), Pterygopalatine (CN VII), submandibular (CN VII) and otic (CN IX) parasympathetic ganglia Dorsal root ganglia Sympathetic chain ganglia Preveebral sympathetic ganglia Enteric parasympathetic ganglia of the gut (Meissner and Auerbach plexus; CN X) Abdominal/Pelvic cavity parasympathetic ganglia Neuroglial cells, olfactory ensheathing cell Schwann cells Endocrine Adrenal medulla (Chromaffin cells of adrenal medulla) Calcitonin-secreting cells Parafollicular (C) cells of thyroid Carotid body type I cells Integumentary Epidermal pigment cells Melanoblastoma (pigment cells) and Melanocytes Facial cailage and bone Facial and anterior ventral skull cailage and bones Pharyngeal arch skeletal and connective tissue components Craniofacial skeleton (frontal , parietal, squamous temporal nasal, vomer, palatine, maxillae & mandible bones) Connective tissue of head including cailage, ligaments & tendons Sensory Inner ear Corneal endothelium and stromal, choroid & Sclera of eye Neural crest contribution to Eye Endothelium of cornea & trabecular mesh work Stroma of cornea, iris, ciliary body and choroid Melanocytes of conjuctiva and Uveal tissue (Iris stroma) Ciliary muscle ganglion & nerves (Schwann cells) Orbital bones & Connective tissues Connective sheath & muscle layer of orbital blood vessels Meningeal sheath of optic nerve Sclera & pa of Vitreous (Sclera is of neural crest and mesodermal origin) Connective tissue Tooth papillae; Odontoblast (dentine of teeth) Smooth muscle, and adipose tissue of skin of head and neck Connective tissue of lacrimal, nasal, labial, palatine, oral, salivary and thyroid glands and of pharyngeal pouches i.e., thymus and parathyroid glands Connective tissue of meninges (Pia and arachnoid) Connective tissue and smooth muscle in aeries of aoic arch origin (Aoicopulmonary septum) Ref: Embryology of the Peripheral Nerves Chapter 3 in book Nerves and Nerve Injuries 2015/38
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