The best mental attitude for denture acceptance:
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Mental attitude
Dr. M.M. House (1950) classified patients as philosophical, exacting, indifferent and hysterical. This is the most widely used classification.
Class I: Philososphical patientsThey are rational and composed in difficult situations.
They desire treatment for maintenance of health and appearance and accept the complete denture treatment as a normal procedure.
They learn to adjust rapidly.
These patients have the best mental attitude for acceptance of the treatment.Class II: Exacting patientsThey are very methodical, precise and accurate, making severe demands.
They are comfortable when each procedure is explained and discussed with them in details.
They require extreme care, effort and patience on part of the dentist.
The intelligent and understanding category in this class can be the best type of patient, but for those lacking the same, extra time should be spent in education and treatment started only after an understanding is reached.Class III: Indifferent patientsThese patients are identified by their lack of concern and motivation and apathetic attitude.
They may not pay any attention to instructions, will not cooperate and are prone to blame others including the dentist for their poor health. In many cases, the lack of interest on part of the patient is the reason for their edentulousness.
A patient education programme is recommended before treatment.
If their interest cannot be stimulated, it may be best to refuse such patients.
They present a questionable or unfavourable prognosis.Class IV: Hysterical patientsThey are emotionally unstable, excitable and apprehensive.
They may not be aware that their symptoms may be more related to their systemic health.
They often present an unfavourable prognosis and additional psychiatric counselling is required prior to the treatment.Key Concept:
The patients classified under philosophical category desire treatment for maintenance of health and appearance and accept the complete denture treatment as a normal procedure. They learn to adjust rapidly. Such patients have the best mental attitude for acceptance of the treatment.
Ref: Textbook of prosthodontics V Rangarajan Ed. 2nd
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