Teenage pregnancy is associated with all except:
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Post dated pregnancy
Ans. is c i.e. Post dated pregnancy Friends- Teenage pregnancy is not only a new topic for PGME exams but has envolved as an emerging problem in our daily OPD'S Hence I am giving in detail about Teenage pregnancy. Defination Teenage pregnancy is defined as pregnancy occurring in a girl below the age of 19. It can be divided into two groups. (i) the 17-19 group and (ii) the below 17 group. All the complications are more in the later group. Incidence Teenage pregnancy accounts for about 10-12% of all bihs. There are two categories of teenage pregnancies, the unwed mothers and the married teenagers. The increasing incidence of the first category is due to changing social norms, permissive attitudes of society, influence of the media and poor access to contraception. The fast breaking down of the joint family system, increase in drug addiction and premarital sex are all responsible for the increase in unwed mothers in our society. However, another large contributing factor for teen pregnancies is child marriage, which still prevails in many Indian states like Rajasthan and Bihar. Complications Maternal In general , maternal moality and morbidity are more among teenage pregnancies especially in the below 15 group and the unwed mothers because there is lack of antenatal care and a tendency to conceal the pregnancy in many cases. Criminal and septic aboions are more in these girls in spite of aboion being liberalized in India. Antepaum complications like anaemia. malnutrition and pre- eclampsia are also much more in teenage pregnancy. Obstetric complications are also increased like, preterm labour, fetal prematurity and IUGR. Cephalopelvic dispropoion may be a problem in the very young teenagers. as they may not have attained complete skeletal maturity. Therefore. the incidence of caesarean section may be more in this group. Other labour complications are also increased if they present for the first time in labour, with out proper antenatal care. 4. Psychological problems. Pregnancy in a teenager is usually unplanned and the girl is undergoing severe mental and emotional trauma. Added to that , she may not be getting adequate family suppo. Depressive disorders and suicidal attempts are common in pregnancy. Even after delivery, maternal- fetal bonding may not be satisfactory. They are more prone to depressive problems and postpaum psychosis after delivery. Long-Term consequences Physical. Induced aboions may increase the risk of recurrent miscarriage, preterm labour and low bih weight babies in the subsequent pregnancy. There is also a higher chance of infeility later on due to infection and blocked tubes. Early age of onset of sexual intercourse and first pregnancy increases the risk of cancer cervix and preinvasive lesions of the cervix. There is also an increased chance of sexually transmitted diseases in unmarried mothers. Psychological - High suicide rates and depressive illness are common. Guilt feelings about a previous aboion or having given the baby for adoption, may occur, sometimes even years later. Social and educational problems. The girl may have to face social outracism which would definitely affect her life. Problems of child These mothers our not emotionally equipped to handle the responsibilities of motherhood. Hence there is poor maternal - child relationship, baby battering & behavioural disturbances in children of such mothers.
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