Squeeze technique is used for
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Premature ejaculation
(B) Premature Ejaculation[?]Specific Techniques & Exercises:Various techniques useful to treat various sexual dysfunctions.In Premature Ejaculation, useful exercise known as the squeeze technique is used to raise the threshold of penile excitability.Man or the woman stimulates the erect penis until the earliest sensations of impending ejaculation are felt.At this point, the woman forcefully squeezes the coronal ridge of the glans, the erection is diminished, and ejaculation is inhibited.This technique eventually raises the threshold of the sensation of ejaculatory inevitability and allows the man to focus on sensations of arousal without anxiety and develop confidence in his sexual performance.A variant of the exercise is the stop-start technique developed by James H. Semans, in which the woman stops all stimulation of the penis when the man first senses an impending ejaculation. No squeeze is used.Presence or absence of circumcision has no bearing on a man's ejaculatory control.Glans is equally sensitive in the two states.Sex therapy has been most successful in the treatment of premature ejaculation.A man with a sexual desire disorder or male erectile disorder is sometimes told to masturbate to prove that full erection and ejaculation are possible.Male orgasmic disorder is managed initially by extravaginal ejaculation and then by gradual vaginal entry after stimulation to a point near ejaculation.Most importantly, the early exercises forbid ejaculation to remove the pressure to climax and allow the man to immerse himself in sexual pleasuring.Behavioral Therapy for PE:Originally popular due to lack of biologically based treatments.Squeeze technique:Masters & Johnson (1970); Squeezing of the glans penisStop-Start Technique:Semans (1956; Kaplan (1983); Pause sexual stimulation at impending ejaculationFactors influencing success:Heightened male awareness of sexual sensations.Decreased emphasis on coitus.Practicing the squeeze technique when masturbating:The aim of these pelvic floor muscle exercises is to restore erectile function by strengthening the bulbocavernosus muscle & ischiocavernosus muscle.Other Options[?]Erectile Dysfunction:Oral phentolamine and apomorphine have proved effective as potency enhancers in men with minimal erectile dysfunction.Sildenafil is not effective in all cases of erectile dysfunction.Cream consists of three vasoactive substances known to be absorbed through the skin: aminophylline, isosorbide dinitrate, and co-dergocrine mesylate, which is a mixture of ergot alkaloids.Gel containing alprostadil & an additional ingredient, which temporarily makes the outer layer of the skin more permeable.[?]Retrograde Ejaculation:Retrograde ejaculation always has an organic cause. It can develop after genitourinary surgery and is also associated with medications that have anticholinergic adverse effects, such as the phenothiazines, especially thioridazine.
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