Spider leg appearance in Intra venous urography is seen in-
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Congenital Polycystic Kidney Disease
Ans. is 'a' i.e., Congenital polycystic kidney diseaseRadiological appearanceo Paint - brush appearanceo Soap - bubble nephrogramo "Swiss - cheese" nephrogramo Dense persistent nephrogramo Striated nephrogramMedullary sponge kidneyHydronephrosisAdult polycystic kidney diseaseAcute ureteric obstruction, hypotensionInfantile polycystic kidneyRenal traumaAcute pyelonephritiso Sun - burst nephrogramo Crescentic deformity of calyces (wind glass sign)o "Egg in cup" appearanceo Drooping flower appearanceo Smudged papillao Infundibular stricture with focal hydrocalcicosiso Phantom / amputed calyxo Putty or cement kidneyo "Saw-toothed" or "Cork-screw" appearance of uretero "Flower-vase" curves of uretero "Spoked - wheel" appearanceo Bilateral spider leg deformityo Thimble bladdero Fish hook bladdero Sandy patcheso "Fetal - head" calcification of bladdero "Tear-drop" bladderPolycystic kidneyPolycystic kidneyPapillary necrosisEctopic ureter (Duplication anamoly)Earliest sign of renal TBRenal TBRenal TBRenal TBTB ureteritisHorse - shoe kidneyOncocytomaPolycystic kidney diseaseTubercular cystitisBPHSchistosomiasis of bladderSchistosomiasis 1 BilharziasisPelvic lipomatosisBilateral pelvic hematomaBilateral pelvic lymphadenopathyPelvic abscessIntraperitoneal bladder ruptureo Sun-burst' appearance of bladdero "Fir-tree" / "Pine-tree" / Christmas-tree" bladdero Droping flower appearance ("Drooping Lilly" sign)o Rim signExtraperitoneal bladder ruptureNeurogenic bladderEctopic ureter (Duplication anamoly)Acute complete renal artery occlusionHydronephrosis (Chronic obstruction)Acute tubular necrosisRenal vein thrombosiso Crescent signHydronephrosis
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