Special visceral efferent DOES NOT involve
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Dorsal nucleus of X cranial nerve
(D) Dorsal nucleus of X cranial nerveNUCLEI BELONGING TO COLUMNSGSEOculomotor, Trochlear, Abducent, Hypoglossal nucleiSVEMotor nucleus of V nerve Motor nucleus of VII nerve Nucleus AmbiguusGVEEW nucleus, Lacrimatory nucleus, Superior & Inferior salivatory nuclei, Dorsal vagal nucleusGVA/SVANucleus of Tractus solitariusGSASpinal, Principal sensory & Mesencephalic nuclei of V nerveSSAVestibular & Cochlear nuclei[?]III-Special Visceral (Branchial)Efferent (SVE) Column:Motor nuclei which supply musclesdeveloped from the pharyngeal arches, (Branchiomotor cell column).These are (5,7,9 & 10)Ambiguus nucleus, in Medulla (9,10 & cranial part of Accessory nerve)Motor Nucleus of the Trigeminal nerve, in the Mid pons.Motor nucleus of the Facial nerve in the Caudal pons.CRANIAL NERVE FUNCTIONAL COMPONENTSFunctional componentAbbreviation General FunctionCranial nerves containing componentGeneral somatic afferentGSAPerception of touch, pain, temperatureTrigeminal nerve (V); Facial nerve (VII); Vagus nerve (X)General visceral afferentGVASensory input from visceraGlossopharyngeal nerve (IX); Vagus nerve (X)Special afferentSASmell, taste, vision, hearing & balanceOlfactory nerve (1); Optic nerve (II); Facial nerve (VII); Vestibulocochlear nerve (VIII); Glossopharyngeal nerve (IX), Vagus nerve (X)General somatic efferentGSEMotor innervation to skeletal (voluntary) musclesOculomotor nerve (II); Trochlear nerve (IV); Abducent nerve (VI); Hypoglossal nsrve (XII)General visceral efferentGVEMotor innervation to smooth muscle, heart muscle & glandsOculomotor nerve (III); Facial nerve (VI); Glossopharyngeal nerve (IX); Vagus nerve (X)Branchial efferent**BEMotor innervation to skeletal muscles derived from pharyngeal arch mesodermTrigeminal nerve (V); Facial nerve (VII), Glossopharyngeal nerve (IX); Vagus nerve (X); Accessory nerve (XI)* Special sensory or Special Visceral Afferent (SVA) - smell, taste; special somatic afferent (SSA) - vision, hearing, balance.** Special Visceral Efferent (SVE) or branchial motor.Other Option[?]Nucleus AmbiguusRuns in a rostral to caudal direction in the medulla & is located in the ventrolateral reticular formation, posterior to the inferior olivary nuclear complex and anteromedial to the spinal trigeminal nucleus.[?]Dorsal nucleus of the Vagus nerve (or Posterior motor nucleus of Vagus)Is a cranial nerve nucleus for the vagus nerve in the medulla that lies ventral to the floor of the fourth ventricle.It mostly serves parasympathetic vagal functions in the gastrointestinal tract, lungs, and other thoracic and abdominal vagal innervations.The cell bodies for the preganglionic parasympathetic vagal neurons that innervate the heart reside in the nucleus ambiguus.Additional cell bodies are found in the nucleus ambiguus, which give rise to the branchial efferent motor fibers of the vagus nerve (CN X) terminating in the laryngeal, pharyngeal muscles & musculus uvulae.
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