Schistosomiasis is an example of –
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Ans. is 'a' i.e., Meta-zoonoses Zoonoseso Zoonoses are diseases and infections which are naturally transmitted between vertebrate animal and man.o The zoonoses may be classified according to the direction of transmission of disease : -AnthropozoonosesInfection is transmitted to man from lower vertebrate animals.Examples - Rabies, plague, hydatid disease, anthrax, trichinosis,ZoonthroponosesInfection is transmitted from man to lower vertebrate animalsExamples - Human tuberculosis in cattle3. AmphixenosesInfection is maintained in both man and lower vertebrate animals that may be transmitted in either direction.Examples - T. cruzt S. japonicum.Based on the type of life cycle of infecting organism, zoonoses are divided into four categories : -Direct zoonosesTransmitted from an infected vertebrate host to a susceptible vertebrate host by direct contact, by contact with a fomite or by a mechanical vector.The agent itself undergoes little or no propagative changes and no essential developmental change during transmission.Example are - Rabies, Trichinosis, Burcellosis.Cyclo - zoonosesRequire more than one vertebrate host species, but no invertebrate host, in order to complete the developmental cycle of the agent.Example - Taeniasis, echinococcosis (hydatid disease).Meta-zoonosesTransmitted biologically by invertebrate hostIn invertebrate host, the agent multiplies or develop.Examples - Arbovirus infections (e.g., JE, KFD), plague. Schistosomiasis,Sporo - zoonosesThere is non-animal developmental site or reservoir e.g., organic matter (food). Soil and plants.Examples -Larva migrans and some mycoses.
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