Risk factor prevention at which level
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(A) (Primordial) (39 - Park 22nd)PRIMORDIAL PREVENTION* Special attension is the prevention of chronic disease* Prevention of the emergence or development of risk factors in countries or population groups in which they have not yet appeared* For example, many adult health problems (eg obesity hypertension) have their early origins in childhood, because this is the time when life styles are formed (for example smoking, eating pattern, physical exercise)* Efforts are directed towards discouraging children from adopting harmful lifestyles* Main intervention in primordial prevention is through individual and mass educationTABLE Levels of preventionLevelPhase of diseaseAimActionsTargetPrimordialUnderlying economic, social, and environmental conditions leading to causationEstablish and maintain conditions hat minimize hazards to healthMeasures that inhibit the emergence of environmental, economic, social and behavioural conditionsTotal population or selected groups; achieved through public health policy and health promotion.PrimarySpecific causal factorsReduce the incidence of diseaseProtection of health by personal and community efforts, such as enhancing nutritional status, providingimmunizations, and eliminating environmental risks.Total population, selected groups and individuals at high risk; achieved through public health programmesSecondaryEarly stage of diseaseReduce the prevalence of disease by shortening its durationMeasures available to individuals and communities for early detection and prompt intervention to control disease and minimize disability (e,g. through screening programmes)Individuals with established disease; achieved through early diagnosis and treatmentTertiaryLate stage of disease (treatment, rehabilitation)Reduce the number and/or impact of complicationsMeasures aimed at softening the impact of long-term disease and disability; minimizing suffering; maximizing potential years of useful life.Patient achieved through rehabilitation* 'YOGA' is a practice that involves training of the mind, body and breathing to deliver various health benefits,Repular practice of yoga can be best defined as a form of "Preventive Medicine" that has shown beneficial effects on several ailments including Backache, Anxiety, Hypertension etc.Health promotionSpecific protection* Health education* Environmental modifications* Nutritional intervention* Lifestyle and behavioural changes* Immunization *** Use of specific nutrients eg vit A *** Chemoprophylaxis* Protection against accident carcinogen etc* Protection against occupational hazards* HIV sentinel surveillance is for Detecting trend of the disease* STEPS done for surveillance of risk factors of non communicable disease
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