Retroauricular incision is also known as?
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Wilde's incision
ANSWER: (D) Wilde's incisionREF: Dhingra 4th ed page 356SURGICAL APPROACHES TO THE EAR AND INCISIONSTympanomeatal or Endomeatal or transcanal approachRosen's incision: It consists of two parts; (a) a small vertical incision at 12 o'clock position near the annulus & (b) a curvilinear incision starting at 6 o'clock position to meet the 1st incision in the postero superior region of the canals, 5-7 mm away from the annulusTo raise a tympanomeatal flap in order to expose the middle ear. Most commonly used for stapedectomy, also used commonly for exploratory tympanotomy to find cause for conductive hearing loss, inlay myringoplasty or ossicular reconstruction.EndauralapproachLempert's incision (Kessel Lempert):It consists of 2 parts:Lempert I-It is semicircular incision, made from 12 o'clock to 6 o'clock position in the posterior meatal wall at the bony-cartilaginous junction. Lempert II-Starts from the 1st incision at 12 o'clock & then passes upwards in a curvilinear fashion between tragus & the crus of helix. It passes through the incisura terminaiis and thus does not cut tfie cartilage. Both mastoid & external canal surgery can be done.(a) Excision of osteomas or exostosis of ear canal.(b) Large tympanic membrane perforations.(c) Attic cholesteatomas with limited extension into the antrum.(d) Modified radical mastoidectomy where disease is limited to attic, antrum, and part of mastoid.PostauralapproachWilde's incision (William Wilde):It starts at the highest attachment of the pinna, follows the curve of retroauricular groove, lying 1 cm behind it, & ends at the mastoid tip. In infants and children up to 2 years of age, the mastoid process is not developed and the facial nerve lies exposed near its exit, & the incision therefore is slanting posteriorly, avoiding lower part of the mastoid.(a) Cortical mastoidectomy.(b) Modified radical and radical mastoidectomy.(c) Tympanoplasty': when perforation extends anteriorto handle of malleus.(d) Exposure of CN VII in vertical segment.(e) Surgery of endolymphatic sac.
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