Regarding cochlear implant, which of the following is true:
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Correct Answer:
Not contraindicated in cochlear malformation
Not contraindicated in cochlear malformation Cochlear malformation is a surgical challenge but not a contraindication for cochlear implantation. Specially designed electrodes are available to facilitate implantation - Current Diagnosis and Treatment in Otolaryngology Cochlear ossification is also no bar for implant Cochlear implant is an aificial means that allows the transmission of acoustic information through the central auditory pathway direct electric stimulation of auditory nerve fibers. General criteria for cochler implant candidacy B/L severe to profound sensorineural hearing loss. (Option 'c' is false) Little or no benefit from hearing aids. No medical contraindication for surgery. Cochlea & auditory nerve should be present Realistic expectation Good family and social suppo Adequate cognitive. function to be able to use the disease. Candidates are defined as pre-lingual or post-lingual depending on whether they were deafened before or after the acquisition of speech & language. In children with pre-lingual deafness (at bih or in early child hood) implantation at an early age ensures better results and children can be implanted at 12 months of age. (Option `b' is false)Post lingual patients with shoer duration of deafness have better outcome. In cochlear implant surgery the electrode array is placed within the scala tympani of the cochlea. There are two techniques to approach cochlea. - The facial recess approach in which cochleostomy is performed antero-inferior to the round window membrane (option `d' is false) - The pericanal technique in which cochleostomy is performed either by endaural or post-aural approach for e.g. Veria and suprameatal recess approach.
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