Referred ear pain may travel through all except?
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Abducens nerve
Ans. is 'c' i.e., Abducens nerve Referred otalgia As ear receives nerve supply from Vth (auriculotemporal branch), IXth (tympanic branch) and Xth (auricular branch) cranial nerves; and from C2 (lesser occipital) and C2 and C3 (greater auricular), pain may be referred from these remote areas: 1. Via Vth cranial nerve Dental : - Caries tooth, apical abscess, impacted molar, malocclusion. Oral cavity : - Benign or malignant ulcerative lesions of oral cavity or tongue. Temporomandibular joint disorders : - Bruxism, osteoahritis, recurrent dislocation, ill-fitting denture. Sphenopalatine neuralgia Vi intensity will hear it. Therefore, if identical vibrating tuning forks are held at equal distances from both ears they are heard in both ears. However, if one tuning fork is moved closer to one ear the person hears only that fork although the other fork is still vibrating sufficiently for him to hear. In stenger test, two vibrating tuning forks are held equidistant from either ear. If the patient is claiming deafness in his left ear he will clain to hear only the fork on his right side. The fork on the left side is moved closer. If the patient is feigning deafness he will perceive only the tuning fork on the left side and will claim not to hear anything. If the patient has a genuine hearing loss on the left he will still hear the tuning fork on the right side. 2. Teal test This can be used when the patient admits to hearing bone conduction in his 'deaf' ear. The examiner stands behind the patient and applies a tuning fork to the mastoid process of his 'deaf' ear. The patient admits to a IXth cranial nerve Oropharynx : - Acute tonsillitis, peritonsillar abscess, tonsillectomy. Benign or malignant ulcers of soft palate, tonsil and its pillars. Base of tongue : - Tuberculosis or malignancy Elongated styloid process. 3.Via Xth cranial cerve : Malignancy or ulcerative lesion of vallecula, epiglottis, larynx or laryngopharynx, oesophagus. 4. Via C2 and C3 spinal nerves : Cervical spondylosis, injuries of cervical spine, caries spine.
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