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Infant mortality, Life expectancy and Literacy
Ans. a (Infant mortality, Life expectancy and Literacy). (Ref Park PSM 22nd/ pg. 16)INDEXPHYSICAL QUALITY OF LIFE INDEX (PQLI)Consist of# Infant mortality,# Life expectancy at age one, and# Literacy.National and international comparison can be done.Kerala has highest PQLI.KUPUSWAMY INDEXKupuswamy index of social classification include:# Education# Occupation# IncomeSULLIVAN'S INDEX (MH'01)This index (expectation of life free of disability) is computed by subtracting from life expectancy the probable duration of bed disability and inability to perform major activities.It is considered one of the most advanced indicator/measure of disability rate, currently available.HUMAN DEVELOPMENT INDEXConsist of three dimensions:# Longevity (life expectancy at birth);# Knowledge (Adult literacy rate and mean years of schooling); and# Income (real GDP per capita in purchasing power).The HDI ranges between 0 to 1.In India HDI is 0.545DALY (DISABILITY ADJUSTED LIFE YEARS)Measure of burden of disease in defined population and effectiveness of intervention.1DALY = 1 lost year of healthy life.HALE (HEALTH ADJUSTED LIFE YEARS)It consists of life expectancy at birth and adjustment of time spent in poor healthICIDH 2 (International Classification of Impairments, Activities, and Participation)Concept:# sequences of illness related phenomenon;# Diseases--impairment--disability--handicapSections (coding for each section)# impairment# disability# handicapWHODASDeveloped for assessment of social functioning in psychiatric patients on 1CIDHmodelITEMS# Pts overall behavior# Social role performance# Social functioning in ward and occupational setting# Functioning in home and environmentWorld Health Organization'Disability Assessment Scale II (WHO-DAS II)A generic health-status instrument that provides six domain scores and a total, aggregate score.IDEAS# Brief scale for Indian setting# Developed to identify and quantify disability produced by mental disorders# Purpose: determining eligibility for welfare programmes.# Items: 4-self care, interpersonal activities, communication and understanding, and work.
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