Paranoid delusions are a/w use of:
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A i.e. Cocaine Marijuana (cannabis, THC) causes perception of relaxation, mild euphoria, impairs thinking, concentration, perception and psychomotor functions. Most common physical effcts of cannabis are dilation of conjunctival blood vessels (red eye) or conjunctival injection, and tachycardia > increased appetite (the munchies) and drymouthQ. At high doses ohostatic hypotension may appear. Cannabis intoxication commonly heightens users sensitivity to external stimuli, reveals new details, make colors seem brighter and richer than in the past, and subjectively slows the appreciation of timeQ. In high doses it produces depersonalization and derealization. Motor skills are impaired (interfering with the operation of motor vehicle and heavy machinery) remains for 8-12 hrs after euphoriant effects have resolved. If intact reality testing is not present, the diagnosis is cannabis induced psychotic disorder. It is rare; transient paranoid ideation (delusional belief) is more commonQ. The psychotic episodes are k/a hemp insanity (Kaplan -419) Persons use cocaine for its characteristic effects of elation, euphoria, heightened self esteem and perceived improvement on mental and physical tasks. With high doses, features of intoxication include agitation, irritability, impaired judgement, impulsive & potentially dangerous sexual behavior, aggression , a generalized increase in psychomotor activity and symptoms of mania, with tachycardia, hypeension and mydriasis. Paranoid delusions and hallucinations can occur in upto 50% of all persons who use cocainQ. Cocaine induced psychotic disorders are most common in IV and crack users (men > women). Paranoid delusions are the most common psychotic symptomsQ. Auditory hallucinations are also common, but visual and tactile hallucinations (formication = sensation of bugs crawling just beneath the skin) are less common than paranoid delusions.
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