Osteosclerotic lesions are seen in all EXCEPT(Internet) (Chapman D/D)
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Spina- ventosa
(Spina-ventosa) (Internet) (449- H17th)FLUOROSIS - more common in adults, usually asymptomatic, crippling stiffness. Thickened cortex at the expense of the medulla, Periosteal reaction. Ossification of ligaments, tendons and interosseous membrane, Generalized increased bone density, mottling of the tooth enamel is a pronounced features, Linear and Curvilinear calcification in soft tissues, Fusion or Bridging of the symphysis pubis Solitary Sclerotic Bone lesions(a)Developmental - Bone island, Fibrous dysplasia(b)Neoplastic - Metastasis (Prostate or Breast), Lymphoma, Osteoms/ osteoid osteoma/ osteoblastoma, Healed or healing benign or malignant bone lesions (Bone cyst, fibrous cortical defect, eosinophilic granuloma or brown tumor)(c)Vascular - Bone infarct(d)Traumatic-Callus(e)Infective - Selerosing osteomyelitis of Garre(f)Idiopathic - Pagets disease Multiple Sclerotic Bone Lesions(a)Developmental - Bone islands, Fibrous dysplasia, Osteopoikilosis, Osteopathia striata (Voorhoeve's disease) Tuberous sclerosis(b)Neoplastic -Metastasis, Lymphoma, Mastocytosis, Multiple healed or healing benign or malignant bone lesions Multiple myeloma*, Osteomata (Gardner's syndrome)(c)Idiopathic - Paget's disease(d)Vascular - Bone infarcts(e)Traumatic - CallusHuman skeletal fluorosis* Fluorosis occurs after years of daily exposure of 20-80 mg/day* Description of the symptoms and range of fluoride in bone ash for each clinical phase skeletal fluorosis follows.Osteosclerotic phaseAsh concentration (mgF/kg)Normal bone500-1,000Preclinical phaseasymptomatic; slight radiographically-detectable increases in bone mas3,500-5,500Clinical phase I (After 2 years and months) 6,000-7,000 sporadic pain; stiffness of joint; osteosclerosis of pelvis and vertebral columnClinical Phase II (4 years and 10 months)chronic joint pain; arthritic symptoms; slight calcification of ligaments' increased osteosclerosis/cancellous bone; with/without osteoporosis of long bones7,500-9,000Phae III: Cripping Fluorosis (11 years and 2 months) limitation of joint movement; calcification of ligaments/neck, vert, column; crippling deformities/spine & major joints; muscle wasting; neurological defects/compression of spinal cord.8,400Spina-Ventosa - tuberculosis of the phalanges of hand. X-ray shows lytic lesion, and a lot of new bone formation
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