NOT true about IPV is:-
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Can't be given in AIDS patient
Ans. is 'b' i.e. Can't be given in AIDS patients Since IPV is a killed vaccine it can be given to AIDS patients. Infact OPV is contraindicated in AIDS patients.Vaccines for polio : 2 types of vaccine:IPV (Inactivated Polio Vaccine) Also k/a Salk.OPV (Oral Polio Vaccine) also called as Sabin.IPVPrimary immunization consists of 4 inoculations*.The first 3 doses are given at intervals of 1-2 months and 4th dose 6-12 months after the 3rd dose.First dose is usually given when the infant is 6 weeks old.Additional doses are recommended prior to school entry and then every 5 yrs until the age of 18.IPV does not induce intestinal and local immunity*IPV does not provide Herd immunity*It is not useful during an epidemic* becauseimmunity is not rapidly achieved as more than one dose is required to induce immunityinjections are to be avoided during epidemic times as they are likely to precipitate paralysis.IPV because does not contain live viruses is safe to administer to :immune deficient personspregnant ladiesto those over 50 yrs of age who are receiving vaccine for the first timeOPVIt is a trivalent vaccine. The vaccine contains :-Over 3 lakhs TC1D50 of type 1 poliovirus *Over 1 lakh TCID 50 of type 2 poliovirus*Over 3 lakh TCID50 of type 3 poliovirus per dose*National immunization schedule recommends a primary course of 3 doses of OPV at 1 month intervals, commencing the first dose when infant is 6 weeks old. One booster is recommended 12-18 months later.Dose is 2 drops*OPV induces both local and systemic immunity*Even non immunized persons may be immunized with OPV because the vaccine progeny is excreted in faeces and secondary spread occurs to household contacts and contacts in community. Thus wide spread herd immunity* results, even if approximately 66% of the community is immunized.OPV is useful in controlling epidemics*.Contraindications* for administration of OPV are -acute infections*,fevers*,dysentery*,immunocompromised persons*,pregnant ladies*.
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