Not self retaining hand held retractor(s) is/are :
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Davis Retractor
Ans: D (Davis...) (Ref: P.L. Dhingra 5th/ 463 ; of_instruments_used_ in_ otorhinolaryngology]Mollison's mastoid retractor: Used in mastoidectomy to retract soft tissue after incision & elevation of flaps. It is self-retaining & haemostaticP.L Dhingra 5th/463Jansen's self-retaining mastoid retractor: used in mastoidectomy similar to Moliison s retractorP.L. Dhingra 5th/463"LemperCs end aural mastoid retractor with third blade is a self-retaining RETRACTORS instruments _usedJn_otorhinolaryngologytTypes of RetractorsThere are two types of retractors on the basis of their functionality.# Set f retain i ng retractors O Handheld retractorsSelf Retaining RetractorsSelf retaining retractors do not need an assistant to hold them in place, self retaining retractors hold tissue apart and lock it in place. Rib Spreaders come in this category'. They hold the ribs apart during the abdominal surgery when the required organ is located inside the rib cage. Foilowings are the commonly used retractorsHand Held RetractorsThe hand held retractors require an assistant to hold them but the self retaining ones don't once they are adjusted in position. The correct method of using a hand-held retractor is that it must be held by its handle properly so as to produce maximum exposure of the surgical area, maximum leverage, and steady retraction.Hand Held RetraCtors RetractorLahey RetractorSenn RetractorBlair (Rollet) RetractorRigid RakeFlexible RakeRagnell RetractorLinde-Ragnell RetractorDavis Retractor 3 Volkman Retractor 3 Kocher Retractor 3 Farabeuf Retractor 3 Mathieu RetractorJackson Trachea! HookCrile RetractorMeyerding Finger RetractorLittle RetractorLove Nerve RetractorGreen RetractorGoelet RetractorCushing Vein RetractorLangenbeck RetractorRichardson RetractorRichardson-Eastmann RetractorKelly Retractor 3 Deaver RetractorDoyen RetractorParker RetractorParker-Mott Retractor 3 Roux RetractorMayo-Collins RetractorU.S. Army RetractorRibbon RetractorSelf Retaining Retractors# Aim RetractorLone star retractorGelpi RetractorGutow RetractorWeitlaner RetractorBeckman-Weitlaner RetractorBeckman-Eaton RetractorBeckman RetractorAdson RetractorBalfour RetractorFinochietto Retractor or Rib Spreader
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