Mutism and akinesis in a person who appears awake and even ale, is best described as:
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C i.e. StuporStuporTwilight stateOneroid state/Onerism In neurology, state of* It is disturbed consciousness withIt is dream (like imagery) state, while one is awake, a decreased reactivityhallucinations.waking dream. If prolonged, it may be called twilight to stimuli and less* It appears as waking dreams thatDelirium than full awarenessporay desires, wishes or fears in aAcute reversible cognitive disorder with relatively global of one'ssurroundings; as adirect or symbolic way as being alreadyfulfilled.impairment, consisting of deficits of attention, arousal,consciousness, memory, orientation, perception, and disturbance of* A transitory disturbance ofspeech or language. consciousness itindicates a conditionconsciousness during which many acts,sometimes very complicated may beAkinetic mutism It may be of two types? of paial coma orperformed without the subjects semicoma i.e.conscious volition and without- The patient lay inely in bed mute and almost totally organicallyretaining any remembrance of them.unresponsive, although he followed the movements of people determinedunconsciousness.* Responsiveness as a rule only to somegiven complex, the subject acts in,accordance with the demands of thearound him with his eyes. H. Cairn described this statedue to tumor of 3rd ventricle, hence known as Cairnstupor. The syndrome is probably a result ofinterference with RAS, so that response to In psychiatry,unresponsivenesswith immobility andcomplex, the rest of the personalitybeing subordinated to, or, as a rule,more or less completely submergedenvironment stimuli is defective. The term has alsobeen used to describe subjects with bilateral frontallobe lesions who lack all drive and impulse to action, mutism but retentionduring the period of twilight state fordespite intact motor and sensory tracts. of consciousness andexample an epileptic patient, entirely. .- Coma vigil.Psedocomafiocked in syndrome/ often with open eyesthat follows externaleyesobjectsQ. If ees areunmindful of his natural surroundings,believed that he was walking around inheaven; during the phase he wasDeafferented state.It is a state in which patient appears to be asleep but can closed patient resistsutterly unable to recall any pa of hisbe aroused. The subject is conscious and aware but is attempts to openlife.unable to respond. The lesion is in ventral pons withpreservation of dorsal tegmental area, the activating them. Reflexes arenormal & restingposture ismaintained. It mayoccur in catanoia.TorporPatient appears drowsy, readily fallsasleep, & shows evidence of slow thinking& narrowed range of perception.system is intact but interruption of coicobulbar andspinal pathways make it impossible for the subject to moveor speak.
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