Most impoant blood supply to stomach:
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Left gastric aery
Ans. a. Left gastric aery Most impoant blood supply to stomach is left gastric aery. 'The left gastric aery is the branch of celiac axis and is the largest aery supplying the stomach. '- Surgery.. Basic Science and Clinical Evidence, by Jeffrey A. Noon/489 Stomach has rich blood supply arising from celiac trunk and its branches in the form of right and left gastric, right and left gastroepiploic and sho gastric aeries. 'In the lesser omentum, locate the blood vessels which parallel the lesser curvature of the stomach. The largest vessel is found near the esophagus and is the left gastric aery. The left gastric aery arises from the celiac trunk and follows the dorsal body wall to reach the upper end of the lesser curvature of the stomach to enter the lesser omentum.'- www.slu. edu/.../Dissection%2025%20-%20 Stomach%20 and%20 Intestine 'The aerial supply to the stomach comes predominantly from the coeliac axis although intramural anastomoses exist with vessels of other origins at the two ends of the stomach. The left gastric aery arises directly from the coeliac axis.' Blood Supply of Stomach Stomach has rich blood supply arising from celiac trunk and its branches in the form of right and left gastric, right and left gastroepiploic and sho gastric aeries. Blood Supply of Stomach: Left gastric aeryQ : Branch of celiac trunk (Largest) Right gastric aeryQ: Branch of hepatic aery Right gastroepiploic aeryQ: Branch of gastroduodenal aery Left gastroepiploic aeryQ: Branch of splenic aery Sho gastric aeriesQ: Branch of splenic aery
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