Most common tumour of eyelid is
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Basal cell carcinoma
(A) (Basal cell carcinoma) (430-Nema 5th) (457- Parson 21st)* Basal cell carcinoma is the most common maligment tumour of the eyelids and constitutes 85%-90% of the all malignant epithelial eyelid tumours.* Squamous papilloma is the most common benign tumour of the eyelid.Common malignant tumours of the eyelidTypeCommon locationClinical featuresSpreadTherapyBasal cell carcinomaMedial canthus, lower lidNodule, central ulceration with pearly surface telangiectasiaLocalResection RadiationSquamous cell carcinomaLower lid. From previous actinic keratosisUlcer with thickened margins, keratosis papillomatousLocal, lymph nodesResection,RadiationCryotherapySebacious cell carcinomaUpper lidNodular resembling, chalazion multifocal F > M recurrence commonLocal intraepith elial lymph nodesResectionCryotheropyExenterationMalignant melanomaPrevious nevi> 6mm size pigmented lesion. Vascularization inflammationLocal vascular lymph nodesResectionExenterationThe moct common benign orbital tumour is adults Cavernous HemangiomaMost common malignant orbital tumour in adults is LymphomaMost common benign orbital tumour in children is Dermoid cystMost common malignant orbital tumour in children is RhabdomyosarcomaBASAL CELL CARCINOMA* Also k/a "Rodent ulcer"* It is more common in Caucasians (99%)* Age is 40-79 years* Ultravoilet light exposure is one of the most important risk factors* It is locally malignant* It involves most commonly lower eyelid (50-60) >medial canthus (25-30%) >upper eyelid (15-20%) > lateral canthus* Basal cell nevus syndrome (Gorlin- Goltz syndrome) is a rare syndrome occurring in
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