Most common site of March fracture is?
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Shaft of 2nd and 3rd metatarsals
ANSWER: (A) Shaft of 2nd and 3rd metatarsalsREF: Apley's 8th ed p. 757See APPENDIX-68 below for "ALPHABETICAL LIST OF EPONYMOUS FRACTURES"March fracture: stress fracture of second metatarsal APPENDIX - 68Alphabetical List of Eponymous FracturesFractureDescriptionMechanism of injuryAviators fractureFracture neck of talusDorsiflexionBumper fracturecompression fracture of lateral condyle of tibial (always intra articular)Forced valgus of knee when struck from side by car bumperBoxer's fractureFracture of distal 5th metacarpalPunching solid objectBos worth fractureFracture of distal fibula with posterior dislocation of the proximal fibula behind the tibiaSevere external rotation of the footBennett's fractureIntra-articular fracture of base of first metacarpalAxial load along metacarpal in a partially flexed thumb (Abductor pollids longus pull)Barton's fractureIntra articular distal radius fracture invoking the articular surface with dislocation of the radio carpal jointFall on outstretched handBankart's fractureFracture of anterior glenoid associated with anterior shoulder dislocationExternal rotation and abduction of shoulderColies' fractureDistal radius fracture with dorsal angulation, impaction and radial driftFall on outstretched handCotton's fractureTrimalleolar fracture of ankle Clay shoveller's fractureStress avulsion fracture of Spinous process of C6, C7 or T1Forced hyper flexion of neckCh opart's fracture- dislocationFoot dislocation through talonavicular and calcaneocuboid joints with associated fractures, usually after ankle twisting. Treated in a non-weight bearing cast for 6-8 weeks Chauffeur's fractureIntra-articular fracture of radial styloidForced ulnar deviation of the wrist causing avulsion of the radial styloidChance fractureHorizontal fracture of vertebral bodyHyper flexion of spine, seen in car accidents when lap belts xvere usedDuverney fractureIsolated fracture of the iliac wingDirect traumaEssex-LoprestifractureComminuted radial head fracture xvith interosseous membrane disruption and distal radioulnar joint subluxationFall from heightGosselin fractureV-shaped distal tibia fracture extending into the tibial plafond Galeazzi fractureRadius shaft fracture with dislocation of distal radioulnar jointBlow to forearmHolds worth fractureUnstable spinal fracture-dislocation at the thoracolumbar junction Hume fractureOlecranon fracture with anterior dislocation of radial head Hill-Sachs fractureImpacted posterior humeral head fracture occurring during anterior shoulder dislocation Hangman s fractureFracture of both pedicles of C2Distraction and extension of neck (judicial hanging)Jones fractureFracture of base of 5th metatarsal extending into intermetatarsal jointInversion of ankle (pronator brevis pull)Jefferson fractureBurst fracture of 1st cervical vertebraCompression of neckLisfranc fractureFracture dislocation of midfootForced plantar flexion of foot or dropping heavy weight on footLe Forts fracture of the ankleVertical fracture of distal fibula with avulsion of medial malleolus Le Fort fracturesSeries of facial fracturesDirect trauma to faceMoores fractureDistal radius fracture with ulnar dislocation and entrapment of styloid process under annular ligament Monteggia fractureProximal ulna fracture with dislocation of radial headBlow to forearmMarch fractureStress fracture of 2n<1 /3rd metatarsal shaftHeavy or unaccustomed exerciseMalgaignesfractureVertical pelvic fracture through both pubic rami and the ilium or sacroiliac joint with vertical displacementHigh energy impact to pelvis (front to back)MaisonneuvefractureSpiral fracture of proximal fibulaExternal rotation of anklePipkin fracture- dislocationPosterior dislocation of hip with avulsion fracture of fragment of femoral head by the ligamentum teresImpact to the knee with the hip flexed (dashboard injury)Pilon fractureComminuted fracture of distal articular fracture with fibular fracture Pott's fractureBimalleolar fracture of the ankleEversion of ankleRolando fractureIntra articular T or Y shaped Comminuted fracture of base of V metacarpalAxial load along the metacarpal causing splitting of the proximal articular surfaceRunner's fractureStress fracture of distal fibula 3-8 cm above the lateral malleolusRepeated axial stress on fibulaStieda fractureAvulsion fracture of the medial femoral condyle at the origin of the medial collateral ligament Smith's fractureDistal radius fracture with volar displacementFall on outstretched hand with wrist in flexed positionShepherd s fractureFracture of the lateral tubercle of the posterior process of the talus Segond fractureLateral tibial plateau avulsion fracture with anterior cruciate ligament tear| Internal rotation of the kneeSalter-HarrisfracturesFractures involving a growth platevariousTitlaux fractureSalter-Harris III fracture of the tibiaForced lateral rotation of footToddlers fractureUndisplaced spiral fracture of distal tibia in children under 8 years oldLow-energy trauma t often rotational
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