Most common location of Splenculi?
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Splenic hilum
Ans. C. Splenic hilum. (Ref. LB 26th pg. 1089)"Splenunculi are single or multiple accessory spleen that are found approximately in 10-30% of the population. They are located near the hilum of the spleen in 50% of the cases and are related to the splenic vessels or behind the tail of pancreas in 30%. The reminder are located in the mesocolon or the spelnic ligaments. Their significance lies in the fact that failure to identify and remove these at the time of spelnectomy may give rise to persistent disease".Additional Educational points:FUNCTIONS OF SPLEEN# Immune# Filter function# Pitting# Reservoir# Cytopoiesis# Splenectomy harms the patientCONGENITAL ABNORMALITIES OF SPLEEN# Splenic agenesis is rare but is present in 10% of children with congenital heart disease.# Polysplenia is rare condition resulting from failure of splenic fusion.The 2 primary subtypes of situs ambiguous include :1) right isomerism, or asplenia syndrome, and2) left isomerism, or polysplenia syndrome.In classic right isomerism, or asplenia, bilateral right-sidedness occurs. These patients have bilateral right atria, a centrally located liver, and an absent spleen, and both lungs have 3 lobes. The descending aorta and inferior vena cava are on the same side of the spine. In left isomerism, or polysplenia, bilateral left-sidedness occurs. These patients have bilateral left atria and multiple spleens, and both lungs have 2 lobes. Interruption of the inferior vena cava with azygous or hemiazygous continuation is often present.The features of situs ambiguous are inconsistent; therefore, situs ambiguous cases are challenging and require thorough evaluation of the viscera. The location and relationships of the following should be reviewed carefully: abdominal viscera, hepatic veins, SVC, IVC, coronary sinus, pulmonary veins, cardiac atria, atrioventricular connections and valves, cardiac ventricles, position of the cardiac apex, and aortic arch and great vessels.SPENIC CYSTNon-parasitic splenic cysts are rare. Splenic cysts are classified as primary cysts (true) or pseudocysts (secondary) on the basis of the presence or absence of lining epithelium. True cysts form embryonal rests and include dermoid and mesenchymal inclusion cysts. True cysts of the spleen are very rare and are frequently classified as cystic hemangiomas, cystic lymphangiomas and epidermoid and dermoid cysts. Epidermoid cysts are thought to be of congenital origin and represent 10 % of the splenic cysts. They are lined by flattened squamous epithelium and are more frequent in children and young patients. Splenectomy or partial splenectomy is usually considered for cysts larger than 5 cm in diameter.
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