Lymphoid malignancy arising from thymic cells are:
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Pre-T cell ALL
D Pre-T cell ALLRef: Robbins Pathologic Basis of Disease, 9th editionExplanation:Summary of Major Types of Lymphoid Leukemias and Non-Hodgkin LymphomasDiagnosisCell of OriginGenotypeSalient Clinical FeaturesNEOPLASMS OF IMMATURE B AND T CELLSB-cell acutelymphoblasticleukemia/lymphomaBone marrow precursor B cellDiverse chromosomal translocations; t(12;21) involving CBFa and ETV6 present in 25%Predominantly children; symptoms relating to marrow replacement and pancytopenia; aggressiveT-cell acutelymphoblasticleukemia/lymphomaPrecursor T cell (often of thymic origin)Diverse chromosomal translocations, NOTCH1 mutations (50% to 70%)Predominantly adolescent males; thymic masses and variable bone marrow involvement; aggressiveNEOPLASMS OF MATURE B CELLSBurkitt lymphomaGerminal-center B cellTranslocations involving c-MYC and Ig loci, usually t(8; 14); subset EBV- associatedAdolescents or young adults with extranodal masses; uncommonly presents as "leukemia"; aggressiveDiffuse large B-cell lymphomaGerminal-center orpost-germinal-centerBcellDiverse chromosomal rearrangements, most often of BCL6 (30%), BCL2 (10%), or c-MYC (5%)All ages, but most common in adults; often appears as a rapidly growing mass; 30% extranodal; aggressiveExtranodal marginal zone lymphomaMemory B cellt(11; 18), t(1; 14), and t(14;18) creating MALT1-IAP2, BCL10-lgH, and MALT1-lgH fusion genes, respectivelyArises at extranodal sites in adults with chronic inflammatory diseases; may remain localized; indolentFollicular lymphomaGerminal-center B cellt(14;18) creating BCL2-lgH fusion geneOlder adults with generalized lymphadenopathy and marrow involvement; indolentHairy cell leukemiaMemory B cellNo specific chromosomal abnormalityOlder males with pancytopenia and splenomegaly; indolentMantle cell lymphomaNaive B cellt(11;14) creating CyclinDI- IgH fusion geneOlder males with disseminated disease; moderately aggressiveMultiplemyeloma/solitaryplasmacytomaPost-germinal-center bone marrow homing plasma cellDiverse rearrangements involving IgH; 13g deletionsMyeloma: Older adults with lytic bone lesions, pathologic fractures, hypercalcemia, and renal failure; moderately aggressivePlasmacytoma: Isolated plasma cell masses in bone or soft tissue; indolentSmall lymphocytic lymphoma/chronic lymphocytic leukemiaNaive B cell or memory BcellTrisomy 12, deletions of 11q, 13q and 17pOlder adults with bone marrow, lymph node, spleen, and liver disease; autoimmune hemolysis and thrombocytopenia in a minority; indolentNEOPLASMS OF MATURE T CELLS OR NK CELLSAdult T-cell leukemia/ lymphomaHelper T cellHTLV-1 provirus present in tumor cellsAdults with cutaneous lesions, marrow involvement, and hypercalcemia; occurs mainly in Japan, West Africa, and the Caribbean; aggressivePeripheral T-celllymphoma,unspecifiedHelper or cytotoxic T cellNo specific chromosomal abnormalityMainly older adults; usually presents with lymphadenopathy; aggressiveAnaplastic large-cell lymphomaCytotoxic T cellRearrangements of ALKChildren and young adults, usually with lymph node and soft-tissue disease; aggressiveExtranodal NK/T-cell lymphomaNK cell (common) or cytotoxic T cell (rare)EBV-associated; no specific chromosomal abnormalityAdults with destructive extranodal masses, most commonly sinonasal; aggressiveMycosis fungoides/ Sezary syndromeHelper T cellNo specific chromosomal abnormalityAdult patients with cutaneous patches, plaques, nodules, or generalized erythema; indolentLarge granular lymphocytic leukemiaTwo types: Cytotoxic T cell and NK cellNo specific chromosomal abnormalityAdult patients with splenomegaly, neutropenia, and anemia, sometimes, acco mpanied by autoimmune disease
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