Kleptomania means
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Irresistible desire to steal things
Disruptive, Impulse-Control & Conduct Disorder: include intermittent explosive disorder, pyromania, kleptomania, conduct disorder*, antisocial personality disorder* , oppositional defiant disorder*. (* - usually described as a type of personality disorders) Feature Of Impulse-Control Disorders failure to resist an impulse /drive temptation to perform the act of tension or arousal before the act Pleasure/relief after the act Regret/guilt following the act compulsive drive to reduce dysphoria Intermittent Explosive Disorder (1) repeated aggressive acts resulting in the destruction of propey, (2) the dispropoionate response to the stimulus that preceded the aggression. Kleptomania - the Pathological compulsion to steal Pyromania -a pattern of behavior, with more than one occasion of purposeful fire setting. it is not done for monetary or other gains. Pathological Gambling- Gambling with increasing amounts of money needed to achieve the same level of excitement (tolerance) and restlessness and irritability when attempting to stop or cut back on gambling (withdrawal) Impulse control disorders and obsessive compulsive disorders involves doing repeated motor acts. In impulse control disorders, there is an urge and the person is not able to control the temptation and he does the act and finally by finishing the act there is a pleasure that is experienced. in obsessive compulsive disorder there is a obsession that is denoted by recurrent, irrelevant, intrusive thought and this thought is stressful To overcome that thought the person has to do some motor acts that are called as compulsions by doing these compulsions there is no pleasure but, there is a sense of releif of tension. b Reference: Page No.925 chap 7.3 Signs and Symptoms in Psychiatry(Kaplan & Sadock's Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry, 9th Edition) DSM-5 section II Disruptive, Impulse-Control & Conduct Disorder P-461
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