Job functions of Health Assitant males are ?
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Collect Smear from any fever case
Ans. is 'b i.e. Collect Smear from any fever case ORS distribution is function of Health Worker Mule & Female"- Park "Collection of sputum smear from having person prolonged cought is function ofHealth Worker mule" Health Assistants (Male and Female) J Under the multipurpose v orker's scheme the health assistant male and female are expected to cover a population of 30,000 (20,000 in tribal and hilly areas). Health Assistants (male and female) will supervise 6 health workers each, of the corresponding category. The job functions of these health assistants (male and female) regarding (a) administration; (h) maintaing human relations skill; (c) methods of supervision are similar. But in the technical aspects, their super isory functions are different. Common Job Functions for The Health Assistant (Male and Female) o The HA will: Supervise and guide the health workers in the delivery of health care services to the community; Strengthen the knowledge and skills of the health workers in their different areas; Help the health worker in improving their human relations skill; Help and guide the health workers in planning and organizing their programmes; Promote team work among the health workers; Coordinates the activities with other workers and agencies; Visit each worker periodcially; observe and guide the health workers in the day-to-day activities; Arrange group meetings with leaders and involve them in spreading the maintenance of various health programmes; Scrutinize the maintenance of records of the health workers to guide them in their proper maintenance; 10. Conduct regular staff meetings for the health workers; 11 Attend staff meetings at PHC/Block. Assess the progress of work of the health workers periodically and submit their assessment repos to M.O. PHC; Assist the medical officers of the PHC in the organisation of the di flerent health services in the area; Paicipate in mass camps and campaigns in health programmes. Indent, procure and supply material to health workers; Prepare, maintain and utilize prescribed records and repos; Review, consolidate and submit periodical repos to M.O., PHC Attend to cases refered by the workers and refer cases beyond her/his competency to the PHC hospital Collect and compile the weekly repos of bihs and deaths occuring in their areas and submit them to the MO PHC; and educate the community regarding the need for registration of vital events. Specific Job Function for the Health Assistant (Male) I. Malaria Supervise the work of Health Worker Male during concurrent visits. Check minimum of 10% of the houses in a village. Collect thick and thin smears from any fever case he come across and will administer, presumptive treatment of prescribed dosage of antimalarial drugs. Administer radical treatment to positive cases in his area. Supervise the spraying of insecticides during local spraying along with the Health Worker (Male). II. Communicable diseases Be ale to the sudden outbreak of epidemics of diseases such as diarrhoea/dysentery, fever with rash. jaundice, enecephalitis, diphtheria, whooping cough or tetanus, acute eye infections and take all possible remedial measures. Take the necessary control measures when any notifiable disease is repoed to him. Carry out the destruction of stray dogs with the help of the Health Worker Male. 'IL Leprosy Ensure that all cases of Leprosy take regular and completed treatment and inform the Medical Officer PHC about any defaulters to treatment. IV. Tuberculosis Ensure that all cases of tuberculosis are taking regular and complete treatment and inform the Medical Officer PHC about any defaulter to treatment. V. Environment sanitation Help the community in the construction of (a) Safe water source (b) Soakage pits (c) Kitchen garden (d) manure pits (e) composit pits (f) sanitary latrines (g) smokeless chulhas and superivsc their construction. Supervise the chlorination of water source including wells. VL Expanded programmen on Immunization I. Conduct immunization of all school going children with the help of the health worker male. Supervise the immunization of all children from one to five years. VII. Family planning Personally motivate resistant cases for family planning. Guide the Health Worker Male in establishing male depot holders with the assistance of the Health Worker Male and supervise the functioning. Assist medical officer PI IC in organization of Family Planning camps and drives_ Provide information on the availability of services for medical termination of pregnancy and refer suitable cases to the approved institutions. Ensure follow-of all cases of vasectomy, tuhectomy, IUD and other Family Planning acceptors. VIII. Nutrition I. Ensure that all cases of malnutrition among infants and young children (0-5 years) arc given the necessary treatment and advice and refer serious cases to the PHC. 2 Ensure that Iron and Folic Acid and Vitamin A are distributed to the benficiaries as prescribed. IX. Control of blindness All cases of blindness including suspected cases of cataract be referred to Medical Officer of Primary health Centre. Specific Job Function for the Health Assistant (Female) The health Assistant (female) will: Carry out supervisory house visiting; Guide the health worker ( female) in establishing women depot holders for distribution of conventional contraceptives; Conduct MCH and family planning clinics and carry out educatinal activities. Organize and conduct training for dais and women leaders with the help of health workers; Visit each of the 4 sub-centres at least once a week on fixed day Respond to urgent calls from the health workers and trained dais and render necessary help; Organize and utilize the Mahila Mandals, teachers etc., in the family welfare programmes; Personally motivate resistant cases for family planning; Provide information on the availability of serives for medical termination of pregnancy and refer suitable cases to the approved institutions; and Supervise the immunization of all pregnant women and children (zero to five years).
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