Iodised salt was first staed in which country
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Iodized salt The iodization of salt is now the most widely used prophylactic public health measure against endemic goitre. In India the level of iodization is fixed under the Prevention of Food Adulteration (PFA) Act and is not less than 30 ppm at the production point, and not less than 15 ppm of iodine at the consumer level. Iodized salns most economical, convenient and effective means of mass prophylaxis inendemic areas. Under the national IDD control activities, the Government of India proposed to completely replace common salt with iodized salt in a phased manner. The National Institute of Nutrition at Hyderabad has come out with a new product, common salt foified with iron and iodine. Community trials have been launched to examine the efficacy of the "two-in-one" salt. Iodized oil : Another method which has demonstrated its efficacy for controlling goitre is intramuscular injection of iodized oil (mostly poppy-seed oil). Scientists at the National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad have now successfully developed a process to produce iodized oil in safflower or safola oil. The advantage of the injection procedure is that an average dose of 1 ml will provide protection for about 4 years. Although more expensive than iodated salt, this method has the advantage that it can be applied rapidly and in places where iodization of salt is not feasible or iodated salt is in sho supply. However, the difficulty with. this procedure is one of logistics, i.e., in reaching every victim or potential victim of !DD for the injection, which means that this approach is less practicable. . Iodized oil, oral : The oral administration of iodine as iodized oil or as sodium iodate tablets, is technically simpler than the injection method. Limited research has found that these procedures are effective against goitre but more costly than intramuscular injections. Ref : Park 25th edition Pgno : 681
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