Indicator for vector burden on human malaria is:-
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Man biting rate
Ans. (A) Man biting rate(Ref: Park Text book of PSM 25th ed; pg. 342)Vector burden may be denoted by the term-anthrophilismMan biting rate (biting density): It is defined as the average incidence of anopheline bites per day per person. It is determined by standardized vector cache on human bait.Sporozoite rate: It is percentage of female anopheles with sporozoites in the salivary glandInoculation rate: The man-biting rate multiplied by the infective sporozoite rate is called as Inoculation rate.Human blood index: It is the proportion of freshly fed female anopheline mosquitoes whose stomach contains human blood. It indicates the degree of anthrophilism.Mosquito density: It is usually expressed as the number of mosquitoes per man-hour-catch.Points to RememberPre-eradication era malariometric indicators: Parameters are based on clinical diagnosis (Spleen rate, average enlargement spleen, parasite rate, parasite density index, Infant parasite rate and proportional case rate).Eradication era malariometric indicators: Parameter based on microscopic diagnosis of malaria.#Annual parasite incidence#Annual blood examination rate#Annual falciparum incidence#Slide positive rate#Slide falciparum rateVector indices are:-#Human blood index, sporozoite rate, mosquito density#Man biting rate and inoculation rateSome Important IndicatorSpleen rate: Endemically of malaria in a communityInfant parasite rate: The most sensitive index of recent transmission off malaria in a locality.Annual parasite rate: Sophisticated measure of malaria incidence and burden of disease in a community.Annual blood examination rate: Index of operational efficiency.Human blood index: Indicates the degree of anthrophilism.
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