In a negative skewed deviation, TRUE statement is :
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Mean is less than the median
Ans. is 'c' ie Mean is less than the median Relationship among the three measures of central tendency (ie mean, median and mode) in a skewed curve is an oft repeated question.Let's first see what skewed distribution curve is.An asymmetrical distribution curve can be of two types:Positive skewed distribution curveNegative skewed distribution curvePositive (or right) and negative (or left) skewed curves are recognized by the location of the tail of the curve (not by the location of the hump - a common error)Positive or Right skewed distribution curveThese curves have a relatively large number of low scores and a small no of very high scoresThe mean lies towards the extreme right of the curveNegative or left skewed distribution curve.These curves have a large number of high scores and a relatively small number of low scores the mean lies towards the extreme left of the curve.Now let's see the measures of central tendency.Mode is the most frequently occurring value it lies at the peak of the hump.Mean is the arithmetic average it is greatly influenced by the relatively small number of very high or very low scores it liestowards the extreme right in a right (Positive) distribution curve andtowards the extreme left in a left (negative) distribution curve.Median is the middle value it lies b/w the mean and mode dividing the curve into two equal halves.Relationship b/w the measures of central tendency* In a symmetrical curveMean = Median = Mode* In a Positive (Right) skewed curveMean > Median > Mode* In a Negative (left) skewed curveMean < Median < Mode
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