Ideal time gap between 2 live vaccinations is about
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4 weeks
(B) 4 weeksGUIDELINES FOR SPACING OF LIVE & INACTIVATED ANTIGENSAntigen CombinationRecommended minimum interval between doses>= InactivatedNone; can be administered simultaneously or at any interval between dosesInactivated & LiveNone; can be administered simultaneously or at any interval between doses>=2 live parenteral*4-week minimum interval, if not administered simultaneously * Live oral vaccines (E.g., Ty21a typhoid vaccine, oral polio vaccine) can be administered simultaneously or at any interval before after inactivated or live parenteral vaccines.If live parenteral (injected) vaccines (MMR, MMRV, Varicella zoster, and yellow fever) and live intranasal influenza vaccine (LAIV) are not administered at the same visit, they should be separated by at least 4 weeks.VACCINATION CHART FOR BABIES IN INDIABCGNewborn*. Bacilli Calmette-Guerin (BCG):*. Vaccination is given to combat Tuberculosis & prevent TB Meningitis in child.*. Vaccine contains live culture of the bacterium that causes TB in humans, but in a weakened form, which triggers the immune system of the child, preventing TB to attack the body. It is given at birth.Hep BNew born 1st6th week 2nd6th month 3rd*. Hepatitis B vaccination:*. It is given to prevent liver diseases caused by the Hepatitis B virus, which can cause liver cancer, liver failure and in some cases, death.*. The first dose of vaccination is given at birth.*. RECOMBIVAX HB Hepatitis B vaccine is non- infectious and is created out of a genetic recombination.*. It is made with the help of yeast.OPV6th month 1st9th month 2nd4-6 years 3rd*. Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV):*. It is given to prevent the polio disease. It can be given orally (OPV) or via injection (IPV). OPV is a polio vaccine, It is made up of an inactivated non-wild strain of the virus which helps produce antibodies within the body.IPV6th week 1st10th week 2nd14th week 3rd16th-18th month B1*. Inactivated Polio Vaccine (IPV):*. It is given to prevent polio disease in child. It is a mandatory vaccine for all children.*. It contains a wild strain of inactivated polio virus.*. It is usually given along with the DTP vaccine.DTP6th Week 1st10th week 2nd14th week 3rd16th-18th month B1 4-6 years B2*. Diphtheria, Tetanus, & Pertussis (DTP):*. Commonly known as a whooping cough, this vaccination is mandatory.*. Vaccine is a combination of three antigens-Diphtheria toxoid, Tetanus toxoid, and Pertussis.*. These antigens are inactivated to create the DTP vaccine.*. On receiving the vaccine, antibodies are produced within the body to fight occurrence of the diseases.Rota V6th week 1st 10th week 2nd 14th week 3rd*. This vaccination is essential to protect a child against Rotavirus infection which can cause severe diarrhea in children.*. Rota virus vaccine is composed of 5 strains of inactivated rotaviruses.*. It is developed using DNA technology to build immunity in the infants against rotavirus infection.PCV6th week 1st 10th week 2nd 14th week 3rd 13th-15th month Booster*. Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine (PCV):*. It is given to prevent Pneumococcal infections in child.*. Pneumococcal bacteria causes ear infections, pneumonia of the lungs, bacteremia of the blood and brain meningitis.*. PCV vaccine is inactivated & does not contain any live Pneumococcal bacteria.Influenza type B (HiB)6th week 1st10th week 2nd 14th week 3rd 16th-18th month B1*. This vaccination is necessary to protect a child against Haemophilus Influenza type B (HiB) - a bacteria that causes diseases like Meningitis, Pneumonia and Epiglottitis.*. HiB is a conjugate vaccine.*. It consists of inactivated bacterial components which on being introduced to the body helps create immunity against the bacteria.MMR9th month 1st 13th-15th month 2nd 4-6 years 3rd*. Measles, Mumps & Rubella (MMR):*. Vaccination is mandatory to prevent from diseases like Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR).*. Vaccine contains live, attenuated measles, mumps and rubella virus with Moraten & Edmonston- Zagreb strain in Genotype A.Typhoid9th-12th month 24th month*. Typhoid Conjugate Vaccine (TCV):*. It is given to prevent typhoid in child. It is made up of Purified Vi polysaccharide from the TY2 S or Typhi Strain.Hep A12th month 1st 18th month 2nd*. Hepatitis A vaccination is a mandatory one to prevent chronic liver infections, protection from Hepatitis A Virus.*. Hepatitis A is made from sterile suspension of inactivated virus (Strain HM175) propagated in MRC-5.Varicella13rd-15th month 1st 4-6 years 2nd*. Varicella vaccine:*. It is a vaccine that protects against chickenpox.*. One dose of vaccine prevents 95% of moderate disease & 100% of severe disease.*. Two doses of vaccine are more effective than one.
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