Hypnogogic hallucination is –
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If experienced while falling asleep
Ans. is 'a' i.e., If experienced while falling asleep o Hallucinations which occur just prior to falling asleep are called hypnagogic hallucinationso Hallucination which occur just prior to waking up are called hypnopompic hallucinations.Also remember1) Functional hallucinations:- Hallucination accompanies a provoking stimulus in the same modality,i.e., water tricking from a leaking tap is heard along with voices of his neighbor cursing him.2) Synaesthesiae (reflex hallucination): - Stimulation of one sensory modality produces sensation pertaining to another, e.g., when the light flashes the patient gets tingling sensation. Synaesthesiae are common under the influence of LSD and other hallucinogenic drugs.3) Extracompine hallucinations:- They are hallucinations experienced outside the limits of one's sensory fields, e.g., hearing voices of people who are talking several kilometer away; seeing the people in the next room through the wall; seeing through the back of one's head.4) Scenic (Panoramic) hallucinations:- Here the hallucinations are vivid, continuous and complex as if one is seeing a movie.5) Autoscopy hallucinations:- These hallucinations are related to oneself or part of oneself. Autoscopy hallucinations may be : -a) Positive autoscopy:- The person experiences of seeing onself in the external environment. It is seen in schizophrenia and parieto-occipital lesions.b) Negative autoscopy:- when the person does not see his image in the mirror.c) Internal autoscopy:- when a person experiences of seeing internal organ of the body.6) Phantom limb hallucination:- The person feels his body parts intact in their respective places even after they are lost through amputation or injury.7) Pseudohallucination:- Pseudohallucination is a perceptual experience, which differs from a hallucination in that it appears to arise in the inner subjective space, not through one of the external sensory organs. Patients tend to describe these sensations as being perceived with the 'inner eye' or 'mind eye' (or ear). However, like true hallucinations pseudohallucinations are not under voluntary control. Example include :- Distressing flashbacks in post-traumatic stress disorder or the recently bereaved widow waking up to briefly 'see' her husband sitting at the foot of the bed. Profound MR IQ - 0-19.
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