Hepatocellular damage of wilson’s resembles ?
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Ans. is 'a' i.e., Acute hepatitis; 'b' i.e., Chronic hepatitis; 'c' i.e., CholestasisWilson diseaseo This autosomal - recessive disorder is marked by the accumulation of toxic levels of copper in many tissues and organs, principally the liver, brain and eye.Clinical features of Wilson's disease?Organs involved Symptoms producedHepatic o The liver often bears the brunt of injury in wilson disease with hepatic changes ranging from relatively minor to massive damage which are - Fatty change, acute hepatitis, chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, massive liver necrosis (acute fulminant hepatitis).All forms of hepatitis are seen in wilson disease (chronic active hepatitis also seen)C.N.S. o In brain, the toxic injury primarily affects the basal ganglia paicularly the putamen which demonstrates atrophy and cavitation.The involvement of basal ganglia produces extrapyramidal symptoms which are - Dystonia, incoordination, tremor, dysphagia, dysahria, chorea.Memory loss, migraine headaches and seizures too can occur.Patients can have difficulty in concentrating on tasks but cognition is usually not impaired.Remember that Sensory abnormalities and muscular weakness are not seen in this disease.Psychiatric o H/O of behavioral disturbances within five years of the onset of the disease.Features are diverse and include loss of emotional control (temper tantrums, crying bouts) Depression, hyperactivity, loss of sexual inhibition.Occular o Kayser Flescher ring (green to brown deposits in the descment's membrane in the cornea)Sunflower cataractBlood o Hemolytic anemia (in severe hepatic failure hemolytic anemias may occur because large amounts of copper are released. The association of hemolysis and liver disease makes wilson disease likely diagnosis).Others o Urinary excretion of glucose, phosphates, amino acids, urates
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