Growth hormone does not cause ?
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Ans. is 'd' i.e., HypothyroidismPhysiological effects of Growth hormone Growth hormone has two major action, i.e., (1) Stimulation of skeletal growth, and (2) Regulation of metabolism. 3) Stimulation of skeletal growthThe effect of GH on skeletal growth is mediated by somatomedins (Insulin-like growth factors : IGF). They are synthesized mainly in the liver. The growth promoting action of somatomedins is helped by their insulin like actions. GH, through somatomedin (IGF-1), stimulates proliferation of chondrocytes and osteocytes resulting in increased deposition of chondroitin sulfate in catilage and increased ossification of the newly formed cailage.GH deficiency in early life causes dwarfism (small height). GH excess in early life leads to gigantism, whereas growth hormone excess in adulthood results in acromegaly.2) Regulation of metabolismProtein metabolism : - GH has predominantly anabolic effects on skeletal and cardiac muscle where it promotes amino acid transpo into cells and increase protein synthesis.Carbohydrate and fat metabolism : - The effects of GH on carbohydrate and fat metabolism are complicated by the fact that GH has anti-insulin effects, whereas somatomedins it produces have insulin like effects:-i) Anti-insulin effects due to direct effect of GH include decreased peripheral utilization of glucose, increased gluconeogenesis, hyperglycemia, and lipolysis. Due to its anti-insulin effects GH excess can cause insulin resistant diabetes mellitus.ii) Insulin like effects due to somatomedins (IGF) include antilipolytic activity, and other insulin like effects.
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