Grease collar is formed by:
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Bullet entry' wound
Ans: D (Bulle... ) SMUDGE RING/LEAD RING/GREASE COLLAR/D1RT COLLAR Parikh 6th/4.44# This is due to the wipe of the soft metal of the bullet, or dirt present on it, or grease carried from the barrel & is deposited round the entrance wound internal to the abraded collarThe smudge ring may therefore be absent when the jacketed bullet has passed through clothingThe smudging in case of lead shot or unjacketed bullets can be detected microchemically on the targetfskin/doth)The forensic value of bullet wipe is to establish a hole as a bullet hole, to determine the entry site, & on occasion the sequence of shots or bullet's passage through multiple objectssGutter fracture; They are formed when part of the thickness of the bone is removed so as to form a gutter, e.g., in oblique bullet wound"- Reddy 33rd/247;32nd/Z35"Abrasion coliar (Marginal abrasion): Abrasi on collar surrounds the dirt collar The abraded collar is reddish at first, but becomes reddish brown as it dries. Some contusion is present in abraded collar & as such, it is also called "contusion collar". These two features are proof of an entrance fi rearm wound"- Reddy 32nd/213FIREARM WOUND Reddy 32nd/205They are recognized without difficultyWounds produced by rifled weapon may simulate wounds inflicated by a red hot poker or a burning pointed stickGlancing wounds (striking someone or something at an angle rather than directly and with full force) may simulate incised or lacerated wounds.A bullet that pass through glass or some other object & then strikes the body may produce a wound resembling a lacerationFirearm wounds cause crushing of the tissues & produce an actual holeFIREARM INJURIES Parikh 6th/4.39-40# Firearm injuries are wounds caused to the body tissue due to impact, entry & passage of a missile discharged from a firearm. They generally simulate contused woundsWhen a missile pass tangentially, the wound may simulate an abrasion or a gutterSlit like exit wounds are occasionally encountered. They are due to the bullet exiting on its board side or due to exit of a fragmented bone. Such injuries may simulate incised wounds or stab wounds
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