Gastric emptying is delayed by all except
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The rate at which the stomach empties into the duodenum depends on the type of food ingested. Food rich in carbohydrate leaves the stomach in a few hours. Protein-rich food leaves more slowly, and emptying is slowest after a meal containing fat. The rate of emptying also depends on the osmotic pressure of the material entering the duodenum. Hyperosmolality of the duodenal contents is sensed by "duodenal osmoreceptors" that initiate a decrease in gastric emptying which is probably neural in origin. Fats, carbohydrates, and acid in the duodenum inhibit gastric acid and pepsin secretion and gastric motility neural and hormonal mechanisms. The hormone involved is probably peptide YY. CCK has also been implicated as an inhibitor of gastric emptying. In the regulation of gastric emptying, the antrum, pylorus, and upper duodenum apparently function as a unit. Contraction of the antrum is followed by sequential contraction of the pyloric region and the duodenum. In the antrum, paial contraction ahead of the advancing gastric contents prevents solid masses from entering the duodenum, and they are mixed and crushed instead. The more liquid gastric contents are squied a bit at a time into the small intestine. Secretin increases the secretion of bicarbonate by the duct cells of the pancreas and biliary tract. It thus causes the secretion of a watery, alkaline pancreatic juice. Its action on pancreatic duct cells is mediated cAMP. It also augments the action of CCK in producing pancreatic secretion of digestive enzymes. It decreases gastric acid secretion and may cause contraction of the pyloric sphincter. Acid in the antrum inhibits gastrin secretion, paly by a direct action on G cells and paly by release of somatostatin, a relatively potent inhibitor of gastrin secretion. The effect of acid is the basis of a negative feedback loop regulating gastrin secretion. Increased secretion of the hormone increases acid secretion, but the acid then feeds back to inhibit fuher gastrin secretion.REF: GANONG&;S REVIEW OF MEDICAL PHYSIOLOGY, KIM BARRETT, HEDDWEN BROOKS, SCOTT BOITANO, SUSAN BARMANTWENTY THIRD EDITIONPAGE NO:443,446,473
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