“French paradox” is –
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a) A wine and food-loving French population with a low incidence of obesity and cardiovascular disease
The French paradox is a catchphrase first used in the late 1980s, that summarizes the apparently paradoxical epidemiological observation that French people have a relatively low incidence of coronary hea disease (CHD), while having a diet relatively rich in saturated fats,in apparent contradiction to the widely held belief that the high consumption of such fats is a risk factor for CHD. The paradox is that if the thesis linking saturated fats to CHD is valid, the French ought to have a higher rate of CHD than comparable countries where the per capita consumption of such fats is lower. The French paradox implies two impoant possibilities. The first is that the hypothesis linking saturated fats to CHD is not completely valid (or, at the extreme, is entirely invalid). The second possibility is that the link between saturated fats and CHD is valid, but that some additional factor in the French diet or lifestyle mitigates this risk--presumably with the implication that if this factor can be identified, it can be incorporated into the diet and lifestyle of other countries, with the same lifesaving implications observed in France. Both possibilities have generated considerable media interest, as well as some scientific research. It has also been suggested that the French paradox is an illusion, created in pa by differences in the way that French authorities collect health statistics, as compared to other countries, and in pa by the long-term effects, in the coronary health of French citizens, of changes in dietary patterns which were adopted years earlier. In 1991, Renaud extended his studies in panership with then junior researchers, cardiologist Michel de Lorgeril and dietician Patricia Salen. The three enhanced Renaud's study, with their paper concluding that: a diet based on southwestern Mediterranean cuisine; which is high in omega-3 oils, antioxidants and includes "moderate consumption" of red wine; created lower cases of cancer, myocardial infarction and cardiovascular disease; paly through increasing HDL cholesterol whilst reducing LDL cholesterol Ref Davidson 23rd edition pg 529
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