Finkelstein’s test is used for –
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DeQuervain's tenovaginitis
Ans. is 'b' i.e., De Quervain's tenovaginitisSigns and Testso Adson's test: for thoracic outlet syndromeo Allen's test: for testing patency of radial and ulnar arterieso Alli's test: for CDHo Anvil test: for testing tenderness of the spineo Ape thumb: for median nerve injuryo Apley's grinding test :for meniscus injuryo Apprehension test: for recurrent dislocation of the shouldero Barlow's test: for CDHo Blue sclera : Osteogenesis imperfecto Bryant's test: for anterior dislocation of the shouldero Callways' test: for anterior dislocation of the shouldero Chovstek's sign : for tetanyo Claw hand : for ulnar nerve injuryo Coin test: for dorso lumbar tuberculosis of spineo Cozen's test: for tennis elbowo Drawer test: for ACL and PCL injutriesAnterior: for ACL injuryPosterior: for ACL injuryo Finkelstein's test: for de Quervain's tenovaginitiso Foot drop: for common peroneal nerve injuryo Froment's sign : for ulnar nerve injuryo Gaenslen's test: for SI joint involvemento Galleazzi sign : for CDHo Gower's sign : for musular dystrophyo Hamilton ruler test: for anterior dislocation of the shouldero Kanavel's sign : for infection in ulnar bursao Lasegue's test: for disc prolapseo Lachmann test: for ACL injuryo Ludloffs sign: for avulsion of lesser trochantero McMurray's test: for meniscus injuryo Nagffziger test: for disc prolapseo Ober's test: for tight ilio- tibial band (e.g., in polio)o O' Donoghue triad: traid of MCL, ACL & medial meniscus injuries occurring togethero Ortolani's test: for CDHo Pivot shift test: for ACL injuryo Policeman tip : for Erb's palsyo Runner's knee : Patellar tendinitiso Sulcus sign: for inferior dislocation of the shouldero Thomas' test: for hip flexion deformityo Trendelenburg's test: for unstable hip due to any reaseon (e.g., CDH)o Tinel's sign: for detecting improving nerve injuryo Volkmann's sign : for ischaemic contracture of forearm muscleso Wrist drop : for radial nerve injury
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