Fetichism is:
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Use of objects of sexual gratification
Ans. is 'c' i.e., Use of objects of sexual gratification * Fetishism : A fetish is an abnormal stimulus or object of sexual desire. Fetishism means the use of such objects of sexual gratification leading to orgasm. For exmaple underclothing, brassiere, petticoat, stocking, shoes, etc.Necrophilia:* In this condition, there is a desire for sexual intercourse with dead bodies.* It is said to have sadomasochistic foundation and that decomposition, foul smell, and coldness act as stimulants.* Sexual perversions -These are persistently indulged sexual acts in which complete satisfaction is sought and obtained without sexual intercourse. These includea) Sadism: Sexual gratification is obtained or increased from acts of physical cruelty or infliction of pain on ones partner. It is seen more commonly in men. To obtain sexual gratification, the sadist may bite, beat, whip, produce cuts on the victim, etc.b) Lust murder: In extremes of sadism, murder serves as a stimulus for the sexual act and becomes the equivalent of coitus, the act being accompanied by erection, ejaculation, and orgasm.c) Necrophagia: (Necros =corpse; phagia = to eat): This is extreme degree of sadism in which the person after mutilating the body, sucks or licks the wounds, bites the skin, drinks blood, and eats the flesh of his victim to derive sexual pleasure.d) Masochism: Sexual gratification is obtained or increased by the suffering of pain. Masochists get pleasure from being beaten, abused, tortured, humiliated, enslaved, degraded, or dominated by their sexual partner.e) Necrophilia: In this condition, there is a desire for sexual intercourse with dead bodies. It is said to have sadomasochistic foundation and that decomposition, foul smell and coldness act as stimulants.f) Fetishism: A fetish is an abnormal stimulus or object of sexual desire. Fetishism means the use of such objects of sexual gratification leading to orgasm, eg underclothing, brassiere, petticoat, stocking, shoes, etc.g) Transvestism = Eonism: A transvestite (trans = opposite, vista = clothing) is a person whose whole personality is dominated by the desire of being identified with the opposite sex. His dress, manner, occupational interest, and associations are all designed to increase his feeling of being a woman. There is no hormonal disturbance or genital abnormality.h) Masturbation = Onanism = Ipsation is the deliberate self-stimulation that effects sexual arousal. In males, it is done by moving the penis against a bed or other object. In females, finges are gently and rhythmically moved over clitoris or labia minora or steady pressure is applied over these parts with several fingers or whole hands (it is an offence when done in public).i) Exhibitionism (Sec 294IPC): It is a willful and intentional exposure of the genitalia in a public place while in the presence of others to obtain sexual pleasure. May or may not be associated with masturbation (punishment = 3 months + fine).j) Voyeurism = Scoptophilia = Peeping tom: Sexual gratification is obtained by looking at the sexual organs of other persons, watching the act of sexual intercourse, or witnessing undressing by a woman.k) Frotteurism: Sexual satisfaction is obtained by rubbing against persons in crowd. If they attempt intercourse, they have a premature ejaculation or they are impotent. It is an uncommon perversion and rarely occurs alone.l) Undinism: In this, the sexual pleasure is often obtained by witnessing the act of urination by someone of the same or opposite sex.m) Indecent assault (Sec 354 IPC) is any offence committed on a female with the intention or knowledge to outrage her modesty. Usually, the act involves the sexual part of either or is sexually favored. In such assaults, a man may try to kiss a woman, press or fondle with her breasts, touch or expose the genitalia or thighs, try to put a finger in her vagina, play with vulva.# A medical practitioner can be accused of indecent assault if he examines a female patient by stripping her clothes without her consent or even with her consent in the absence of a female attendant.# Such assaults are punishable under Sec 354 IPC, upto 2 years imprisonment and/or fine.n) Uranism: General term for perversion of the sexual instinct.o) Satyriasis: Incessant sexual desire.p) Priapism: Painful penile erection in absence of sexual desire.
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