Entry wound of the bullet with soot indicates-
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Close contact
Ans. a (Close contact). (Ref. Reddy 21st ed.182, 24th ed. 180-181)GUNSHOT WOUNDS1) Contact shot:# the wound is large, shows cavitation, and triangular, stellate, cruciate or elliptic due to the expansion of the liberated gases in the skin and tissues, which show laceration#Margin - contused and everted#No burning, blackening, and tattooing around the wound of entrance#Back spatter#Corona2) Close shot: (When the victim is within the range of the flame i.e. 5 to 8 cm).# The entrance wound is circular with inverted edges and there is some bruising, burning, blackening and tattooing.3) Near shot - up to 60 cm.#The entrance wound is seen as a.round hole about the size of the bullet with a bruised and inverted margin and a zone of blackening and tattooing.4) Distant shot#The entrance wound is circular and margins are inverted#No burning blackening or tattooing# The skin adjacent to the hole shows two zones, the inner of grease collar (or dirt collar) and the outer of the abraded collar (Abrasion collar, Marginal abrasion, contusion collar).WOUNDS FROM SHOT-GUN & (SUGGESTING RANGE) The shape of woundDistance1Cruciate or Stellate shapeContact over bone2Oval shapeUp to 30 cm3Rat hole wound30-100 cm4Satellite woundMore than 2 meters5Individual pelletsOver 4 metersEducational points:#Entrance wounds- Contact range entrance wound- Intermediate range entrance woundi. Tattooing and stipplingii. Distant range entrance wound#Exit wounds- Shored exit wound#The close contact wound is circular, signed by flame surrounded by soot and tattooing, the abraded color or contact ring in which superficial skin layers are abraded. If confusion is associated with these, it is known as contusion collar.
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