Ectopia lends is a feature of:
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All of the above
Ans. d (All of the above)CAUSES OF LENS DISLOCATIONDiseases that can be associated with subluxation or dislocation of the lens# Sharp and in particular blunt injuries (globe contusion)# Metabolic disorders- Marfan syndrome- Homocystinuria- Weil-Marchesani syndrome- Hyperlysinemia- Sulfite oxidase deficiency- Ehlers-Danloss syndrome- Osteogenesis imperfect- PEX syndrome, others# Overstretching of the zonular fibers by excessive corneal and / or scleral stretching- High myopia- Hydrophthalmos- Megalocornea- Staphyloma# Other causes/associations- Congenital aniridia- Mandibulofacial dysplasia- Focal dermal hypoplasia- Syphilitic uveitis- Retinitis pigmentosa- Hypermature cataract- Intraocular tumors (especially ciliary body melnoma) IncidenceManifestationDirection of the lens subluxation/ luxationOther features to noteOcular traumaVery frequentAny, mainly younger age m>>fVariable (any direction possible)Traumatic retinal detachment, traumatic secondary glaucomaPEX syndromeVery frequentOlder age m=fUsually anterior or posteriorPEX glaucoma PEX iridopathy and keratopathyIdiopathic lens dislocationNot rareUsually younger age m=fVariable Lens dislocation in high myopiaNot rareUsually younger age m=fVariableRhegmatogenous retinal detachmentMarfan syndromeNot rareyoungerage m=fUsually temporosuperior, less often naso-superiorRefer to cardiologist (caution; aortic aneurysm), arachnodactylyHomocystinuriaRareyounger age m=f(Nasal) Downward, often vitreous spaceOften spherophakia,a tendency for vascular thrombosisWeil-Marchesani syndromeRareYounger age m=fDownward, forwardOften small, spherical lens, small stature, brachycephaly
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